Here's a few tidbits I've dug up.
On, they have a some figures up that must have come from Lane #1. It says that (on the Lane #1 scale) the EU has a total hook of 110, 70% of it on the backend, and 5+ inches of flare potential. For comparison, Lane #1 lists the Uranium Solid numbers as 100, 60, and 5+; and the Uranium Pearl as 85, 75, and 5.
So, by those figures, the EU will have the most total hook of the bunch, with a snappier backend than the solid, but not as sharp as the pearl.
We shall see.
I called my pro shop today, and he in turn called Lane #1 to see if the EUs are indeed shipping today. Today is considered to be the official release date, but the balls have not arrived in NY from Brunswick yet. They will be shipped as soon after they arrive in NY as possible.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top