I went with a RICO drill on the new Starburst XXXL.
I had no idea what to expect, but could not resist the urge to try it.
In short, it works very well. I have not played it on burnt lanes yet, but on a worn out house shot, the ball rolls up really nice.
My black XXXL is drilled Label 1:30. It flares more, but does not finish like the RICO-drilled ball.
I also have a Clear Diamond drilled with the pin on the axis. This is always my spare ball, but it works as a strike ball also. I actually prefer this one over the black. I don't know if the appearance is in my head, or if the ball actually works better. It could just be a comfort issue.
OK, I just zipped up my flame-retardant suit. Go ahead and give me he77 for having three overpriced plastic balls
Jon (in Ohio)
Edited on 2/8/2008 9:28 AM