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Author Topic: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?  (Read 2323 times)


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How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:13:50 PM »
I have a ball release question for all of you people that successfuly throw Buzzsaws. When I release my non-Buzzsaw balls, I turn and come around the ball somewhat. If I don't, they don't hook much let alone carry well.

I got my new Enriched Uranium drilled up today. Drilled it 4 1/4 x 3 1/2 with Pin under RF and no weight hole. The first game, the ball got thru the heads and hooked well, hit hard, but didn't want to strike. Except for 2 strikes and 1 split, all other hits were 9 Pin hits. Only bowled 170 the first game. I was releasing it just like I do my other balls.

Then I "got to thinking" that I remembered someone telling me one time that Buzzsaws work best if a person releases the ball straight up the back. Well, the second game I started releasing the ball straight up the back and this ball became a MONSTER. Great length, very-very hard arcing (almost flip, but not quite) backend. I began striking and striking and striking and etc. like there was no tomorrow. The 2nd game I had 2 opens, both splits for 223 and the third game 2 more opens, both splits again, for 226.

So to sum it up, is it true that releasing Buzzsaws up the back makes the balls perform better than when turning the ball at release? Or does it depend how the balls are drilled as to whether the core is tilted like mine was or stacked straight up and down?

All I can say at the moment is that I have never-ever been this impressed with a ball the first time I tried it as I was with this ball today.
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 09:17:14 PM »

All I can say at the moment is that I have never-ever been this impressed with a ball the first time I tried it as I was with this ball today.

Welcome to the Saw power! When I threw my first one, I was hooked too. I've never put much thought into the release theory. I'm noticed some balls I have and up the back release does work better though. Could be alot to that, plus the type of drilling.
Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 09:20:51 PM »
not sure i see a difference in my releases, but i play a power game compared to yours so that may make a difference, I do notice a different hit with an up the back release, but i am not sure what to attibute that too, my intail thought was more speed on my part, so who knows, maybe you are on to something, honestly i cannot say

on edit, glad you like the ball, even happier that I could be of service

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2006, 09:21:39 PM »
oh and Brick, that ball will get a tad stronger too, I am a firm believer that the big b covers need to "track" a little before you get the true reaction

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2006, 09:35:38 PM »
not sure but when i tried 2 hand with the dirty bomb, the ball didnt move much at all. on the other hand, with less rev and little bit slower, with one hand that is, the ball came back to life! light shot, pocket shot, little bit high it just wont matter all those were strikes.
I go one hand or twohanded, and mighty zone 2 is ALLMIGHTY!

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 10:44:57 PM »
Welcome to the Saw power! When I threw my first one, I was hooked too. I've never put much thought into the release theory. I'm noticed some balls I have and up the back release does work better though. Could be alot to that, plus the type of drilling.

I just wonder if tilting the core or not tilting the core in the drilling makes a difference whether a person should come up the back or come around the ball a bit.

Maybe T-God will see this post and comment on the releasing of a Saw.

not sure i see a difference in my releases, but i play a power game compared to yours so that may make a difference

Trigger, I did note today that with my more of the "up the back release", that I had and was able to generate both more speed and revs than when I come around the ball.

If lane conditions permit, I will try using it in league tomorrow afternoon. I'll be in the same house as I was in today.


Edited on 12/4/2006 11:43 PM
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 12:36:48 AM »
I usually try to throw mine the same.  But sometimes the lanes will call for more of a different shot.


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 06:05:42 AM »
Since both of my Saws (Dirty Bomb,Solid Uranium) are so strong, I like to turn em up even more than I normally do just to watch em run.  But, if I'm having trouble controlling the backends then staying behind the ball longer gives me a more controlled reaction without losing any power at the pocket.  
IMHO the conditions you were bowling on just called for a more contolled release.  Good luck with the EU, I'm hoping to get one soon.
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 10:50:41 AM »
I believe it depends on which saw you are throwing.  My EU and Uranium Pearl work better when I come up the back but my Cherry Bomb and Black Cherry Bomb are better when I get more around the side.



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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 10:55:01 AM »
Sometimes I come up the back, sometimes I circle the ball - depends on oil.  Generally I come off the side a bit on my normal release, but it varies, depending on whether I'm trying to minimize roll or maximize it.  I.e., on oil (when i want maximum roll) I come up the back to get into an early roll; as things dry out I'll circle  it more.
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 06:24:30 PM »
I think it's more a matter of matching up. The EU is a strong ball (and I agree that they "come to life" after a few games). If you were getting around the ball, you may have been creating alot of angle into the pocket, which on a high hit, will leave 9 pins. An up the back release may have created a better angle of entry on your conditions. Personally, my strong game is more up the back, but when the lanes break down and I need to move inside, I can get around the ball and swing it out. You have learned a valuable lesson. Do what works for YOU!
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 08:55:54 PM »
I used the Enriched Uranium on the synthetic lanes today for all 3 games and shot 193 209 229, total 631 with it. I know that for you guys that average in the 200's, that is nothing to you and probably wonder what the big deal is, but I have been struggling and averaging 179 in that league this year so it is a "big deal to me" As I said in my post yesterday, this ball is really something. It gets thru the heads really good and when it turn the corner, it turns and doesn't stop and the hit/pin mix is second to none. After seeing the power of this ball, several league bowlers came to me today and asked what I was throwing.

Now if I can just get my mechanics worked out so that I can throw the ball in the same place more often than I am After averaging in the 195-200 range for years and then falling back to where I am now after major surgery 3 1/2 years ago, I'm excited, as you can tell.

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2006, 09:21:14 PM »
This is going to sound pretty dumb, BUT what is "up the back" release?  I would like to know how you describe it, and maybe even a video.  I am very successful with my Saws, yet I just know I release them well.

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F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 09:36:49 PM »
Dave, I'm right handed. My description of up the back is releasing with my thumb around 12 or 1 o'clock. When I turn the ball, by thumb comes out around 10 or 11 o'clock. Apparently even when my thumb comes out around 12 or 1 o'clock, I am wondering if my hand is more under the ball and I maybe unknowingly turn the ball some when I lift it out on the lane with my fingers, whereas maybe when I release with the thumb at 10 or 11 o'clock I am wondering if I am not under the ball as much as I am when I am behind it.

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2006, 10:10:04 PM »
I used the Enriched Uranium on the synthetic lanes today for all 3 games and shot 193 209 229, total 631 with it. I know that for you guys that average in the 200's, that is nothing to you and probably wonder what the big deal is, but I have been struggling and averaging 179 in that league this year so it is a "big deal to me" As I said in my post yesterday, this ball is really something. It gets thru the heads really good and when it turn the corner, it turns and doesn't stop and the hit/pin mix is second to none. After seeing the power of this ball, several league bowlers came to me today and asked what I was throwing.

Now if I can just get my mechanics worked out so that I can throw the ball in the same place more often than I am After averaging in the 195-200 range for years and then falling back to where I am now after major surgery 3 1/2 years ago, I'm excited, as you can tell.


just make sure they know who to come see hehe

Made member of the Lane #1 Mafia