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Author Topic: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?  (Read 2295 times)


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How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:13:50 PM »
I have a ball release question for all of you people that successfuly throw Buzzsaws. When I release my non-Buzzsaw balls, I turn and come around the ball somewhat. If I don't, they don't hook much let alone carry well.

I got my new Enriched Uranium drilled up today. Drilled it 4 1/4 x 3 1/2 with Pin under RF and no weight hole. The first game, the ball got thru the heads and hooked well, hit hard, but didn't want to strike. Except for 2 strikes and 1 split, all other hits were 9 Pin hits. Only bowled 170 the first game. I was releasing it just like I do my other balls.

Then I "got to thinking" that I remembered someone telling me one time that Buzzsaws work best if a person releases the ball straight up the back. Well, the second game I started releasing the ball straight up the back and this ball became a MONSTER. Great length, very-very hard arcing (almost flip, but not quite) backend. I began striking and striking and striking and etc. like there was no tomorrow. The 2nd game I had 2 opens, both splits for 223 and the third game 2 more opens, both splits again, for 226.

So to sum it up, is it true that releasing Buzzsaws up the back makes the balls perform better than when turning the ball at release? Or does it depend how the balls are drilled as to whether the core is tilted like mine was or stacked straight up and down?

All I can say at the moment is that I have never-ever been this impressed with a ball the first time I tried it as I was with this ball today.
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2006, 10:26:44 PM »
just make sure they know who to come see hehe

Trigger, one bowler on our team questioned me last week when I told him I had a Saw coming and he was impressed with my ball today. I told him I would help him get one if he is interested. He swings it out pretty well and is a "flinger". Throws clear out to almost the arrows, but he is good and accurate and carries a 197 average. Not a lot of speed and not a lot of revs, but his ball comes back to the pocket when he throws it out.

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2006, 07:48:52 AM »

It's usually best to stay behind the ball and let the ball do the work. The more you turn the ball, usually the more it will over-react. Staying behind the ball gives you more lift and a more consistent ball reaction. Good job and keep it going. =:^D

Edited on 12/6/2006 8:39 AM


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2006, 07:58:46 AM »
I've had three over the years.  Cherry Pearl, Pro Purple, and now a Tsunami.  The biggest thing for me is to make sure I don't turn my hand early.  Coming around the side is OK as long as your hand is still behind the ball at the bottom of my release.  Turning my hand early (my most common malady because of my arthritis) causes the ball to absolutely not read the mid lane and puke down lane.  In a way, the Buzzsaws are good training balls for me.  Many claim them to be more forgiving, but for me they are more release sensitive.  A lot of balls I can get away with a poor release.  But if I do that with a Buzzsaw, I get immediate feedback that I threw it lousy.  The Tsunami is hit or miss with me because it's really sensitive to oil and carry down.  Maybe it's the drilling.  But when it's the right ball, it's beautiful.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2006, 08:07:54 AM »
I've had three over the years.  Cherry Pearl, Pro Purple, and now a Tsunami.  The biggest thing for me is to make sure I don't turn my hand early.  Coming around the side is OK as long as your hand is still behind the ball at the bottom of my release.  Turning my hand early (my most common malady because of my arthritis) causes the ball to absolutely not read the mid lane and puke down lane.  In a way, the Buzzsaws are good training balls for me.  Many claim them to be more forgiving, but for me they are more release sensitive.  A lot of balls I can get away with a poor release.  But if I do that with a Buzzsaw, I get immediate feedback that I threw it lousy.  The Tsunami is hit or miss with me because it's really sensitive to oil and carry down.  Maybe it's the drilling.  But when it's the right ball, it's beautiful.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive

I agree with what you say there strider, i know right away i threw a bad shot and if i really come out on the side you can tell it.  

on edit, alter the surface of that tsu, it is a completely different ball when not in box condition

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2006, 08:32:24 AM »
In a way, the Buzzsaws are good training balls for me. Many claim them to be more forgiving, but for me they are more release sensitive. A lot of balls I can get away with a poor release. But if I do that with a Buzzsaw, I get immediate feedback that I threw it lousy.

Strider's assessment is about as good as you're going to get. Buzzsaws roll true, so with many of their pieces (especially the Uraniums), "what you roll is what you get". So if you release the ball clean, you're rewarded with versatility and reaction that's really sweet.

In this realm, I've found that many bowlers who dismiss Lane#1 have physical limitations in their game, and blame their own shortcomings on Buzzsaws that are simply giving them honest feedback.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 12/6/2006 10:14 AM


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2006, 11:02:55 AM »

I have played with the surface a bunch.  I got the ball used from Jesse (JPRLane1).  He said it had already been resurfaced twice, but looked fine to me.  After throwing it some at more or less box condition, I tried the "oil bleed" system to make sure it wasn't oil logged from a bunch of games.  I got some out, but nothing to write home about.  It is drilled pretty weak, see profile.  I threw it some with Jesse's (lefty) pattern, and loved how smooth it was, so just plugged it and went with the same pattern.  After a lot of experimentation, I'm at 800 grit with Doc's Elixir.  Still clean through the heads, smooth and arcy, and at least handles some oil.  It still doesn't care much for carry down, and skids if you tug it on a THS, but seems to be a good fit for me.  However, I'm still disappointed on how bad it looks on the PBA oil patterns.  It just skids forever on the higher oil volumes.  I had very high hopes considering on how smooth it rolls.  Maybe another with a more standard drill pattern?  I already have a Tour Power that handles smooth at a similar oil volume, so I can't justify buying another.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2006, 10:24:36 PM »
I'm going to try using this EU in the wood lanes house tomorrow. I haven't tried it there yet. This ball might be too much for those lanes since I don't possess the ability to move deeper and swing the ball out. Anyhow, I'll find out tomorrow and go from there.

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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2006, 10:58:44 AM »
Strider: The pearl/particle cover on the EU is extremely sensitive to oil. It doesn't matter how you drill it if your intention is to get it to grab on heavier oil patterns -- it's not going to happen.

The EU is actually less grabby than the original pearl Uranium. I was really surprised when throwing the two Uraniums side-by-side and seeing such different reactions. The EU reminds me a lot of the cover on the Golden Nugget (same skid forever reaction in oil). There is something odd about the pearl/particle mix on the Lane#1 covers that make them skid more than pearl/particle's I've had from other companies.    

However, the EU can be a terrific THS ball. Bounce it appropriately into the dry, and it provides a real nice reaction.
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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2006, 03:09:37 PM »
I'm going to try using this EU in the wood lanes house tomorrow. I haven't tried it there yet. This ball might be too much for those lanes since I don't possess the ability to move deeper and swing the ball out. Anyhow, I'll find out tomorrow and go from there.

I couldn't use the EU on the wood lanes today. Tried it for one game (165) and it hooked 8-10 feet past the arrows and took off for the left side of lane. Had to use the Legends World Class Reactive that I bought for these lanes the other 2 games. If the EU continues to perform in the other house with the synthetic lanes like it has so far I have no regrets with it even if that would be the only house it would perform in, and will look at another Lane 1 ball that might perform well in the wood lane house.


Edited on 12/7/2006 4:03 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2006, 03:23:02 PM »
The EU reminds me a lot of the cover on the Golden Nugget (same skid forever reaction in oil).  

Steven, I had a Golden Nugget when that ball first came out and have the Enriched Uranium now and to me the GN doesn't compare to the EU. The GN was a real Dud for me from day one whereas so far, I love the EU. Of coarse they are drilled different and it's 3 1/2 years later so so that may have some effect I am sure.


Edited on 12/7/2006 5:29 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: How Do You Release Your Buzzsaw?
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2006, 11:00:09 AM »

Just so you know, I was talking about the cover on my Tsunami, not Brickguy's Enriched.  I threw a friend's EU, but don't own one.

Either the cover on my Tsunami is worn/oil logged more than it looks/acts or my drilling really took the guts out of the ball.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

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