I am going to have to agree with Zeusjr on the Label layout I also have tried the Label layout on a few saws, short pins, long pins, and everything in between pin distance, and the only Lane1 that I have had good luck with the label layout is the XXL with about a 3-3 1/2" pin the label layout just does not work for me.
had two HDBs,a Bcb, and a few others layed out label and they just would not move for me.
Don Smith
F.O.S. To The Bone
Cobalt (X1),Tsunami (X1`),Pearl Uranium,XXXL
Buzzsaw C/Carbide,XXL
thats just what I carry
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X2-1 NIB),
Original SD(X2,NIB),
Golden Nugget,
Pearl Cherry Bomb (X3-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
Black raspberry(X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More