It looks like the "Wal-Mart selling mentality", buy more and undercut the competition, is getting to everybody. It's discouraging for us to see our product being sold in this manner, because we pride ourself on performance and service. In the long run, this "Wal-Mart" type selling strategy doesn't help anyone, except for the one with the deepest pockets.
Lane #1 only puts out premium line bowling balls, and we price the product accordingly. We do offer a buy 4 get 1 free special on some new release's, for the pro shop guy to try out, or make an extra buck. But, when internet sellers try to take advantage of this, it makes them all fight and look bad (including us), by seeing who can undercut the other one prices each day. This is only good for 1 person, while the others are left holding the bag.
It also makes the rest of the pro shops look bad, because they're blasting low prices all over the internet. Like I stated earlier, this will knock out all the small guys, because the one with the deepest pockets and lowest prices will win, leaving only 1 place to buy.
Maybe Lane #1 should come out with 20 balls a year like some of the other guys, slash prices and oversell a bunch of balls, leaving the pro shops and distributors stuck with them, then, discounting them the next week even further to get rid of the glut? How would the customers who bought them the week before feel?
It's a tough and sticky situation for all of us, because we're trying to do the right thing, by putting out premium products, and making it fair for everyone to sell them. We feel we have the most loyal customers of any company, and would like to keep it that way. I guess no matter how hard you try, you just can't win.
Hopefully this situation won't discourage anyone from trying, using, or continuing to use our products, now or in the future.