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Author Topic: How would you run your ball company?  (Read 4731 times)

Mr Buzzsaw

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How would you run your ball company?
« on: August 13, 2004, 01:34:19 AM »
It looks like the "Wal-Mart selling mentality", buy more and undercut the competition, is getting to everybody. It's discouraging for us to see our product being sold in this manner, because we pride ourself on performance and service. In the long run, this "Wal-Mart" type selling strategy doesn't help anyone, except for the one with the deepest pockets.
Lane #1 only puts out premium line bowling balls, and we price the product accordingly. We do offer a buy 4 get 1 free special on some new release's, for the pro shop guy to try out, or make an extra buck. But, when internet sellers try to take advantage of this, it makes them all fight and look bad (including us), by seeing who can undercut the other one prices each day. This is only good for 1 person, while the others are left holding the bag.
It also makes the rest of the pro shops look bad, because they're blasting low prices all over the internet. Like I stated earlier, this will knock out all the small guys, because the one with the deepest pockets and lowest prices will win, leaving only 1 place to buy.
Maybe Lane #1 should come out with 20 balls a year like some of the other guys, slash prices and oversell a bunch of balls, leaving the pro shops and distributors stuck with them, then, discounting them the next week even further to get rid of the glut? How would the customers who bought them the week before feel?
It's a tough and sticky situation for all of us, because we're trying to do the right thing, by putting out premium products, and making it fair for everyone to sell them. We feel we have the most loyal customers of any company, and would like to keep it that way. I guess no matter how hard you try, you just can't win.

Hopefully this situation won't discourage anyone from trying, using, or continuing to use our products, now or in the future.


Doug Sterner

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Re: How would you run your ball company?
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2004, 10:43:29 PM »

Lane 1 is unique in that they actually do this. Over the last couple of years I have gotten NIB balls in on trade etc and was unable to sell them. The nice guys at Lane 1 were always willing allow me to trade anything I had NIB back in for other merchandise. In the case of balls I had gotten in trades, they didn't give me premium $$$ for them but they were always willing to let me swap in the old to get the new on the shelf.

Try that with Storm or Ebonite or Track sometime...they'll tell you to go F yourself.

On another note I do want to thank Lane 1 for what they have done and continue to do for the pro shop guys. The ball specials, incentive programs and most importantly the customer support is second to no other company in the business. Here's an example...

I recently attended a trade show and was unable to take advantage of some of teh specials which were presented at the show. Now here it is a few weeks later and I emailed a few of the companies and told them that I was searching for the new ball of balls that I could drill and use in our big league to attract attention to their brand. I did this with a Storm Eraser 3 years ago and sold a ton of them. All that any of the comnpanies did for me was offer to give me their trade show 4 get 1 free, buy 6 get 1 free, buy this package and we'll give you an extra free ball. At least I got responses from Track, Visionary and Dynothane. Ebonite, Hammer, Columbia, AMF and Brunswick didn't even bother to reply.

I'll stick to my Lane 1's...I think the Bullet may be the bal lI Want for league this year. We shall see.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
The Cherry is the Bomb

And the Uranium blows them all away!

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: How would you run your ball company?
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2004, 11:14:57 PM »
Okay I believe that they do it but why would that run the little pro shops out of business if they can just return a NIB lane 1 ball for credit for a new ball in the future?  THat means that no "little shop" will ever get stuck with lane 1 equipment, never run out of business, and therefore will never have to set a price floor right?  I am not trying to sound against lane 1, I have always been taught if I don't understand why something is the way it is, to question it.  Sorry to anyone that I offend and not trying to offend lane 1 or mr. buzzsaw personally  but I would like a response from any pro shop operator, any individual that may have done a "trade in" before, and more importantly from mr. buzzsaw himself.

PS Doug-I actually had a problem with a fear factor and had it plugged and redrilled and still it didn't do anything, my pro shop guy thought something was wrong with it and so I called up Storm, Vance sent me a Triple Xtreme x factor for my problems and so I would call that great customer service although it is not the exact same service offered here.
Ike Brownfield


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Re: How would you run your ball company?
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2004, 01:15:05 AM »
How would the customers who bought them the week before feel?
He would feel like he got ripped off, but that would be his stupid a§s fault, because he should have known that the prices will eventually be cut down ever lower then they were! If you really have that much of a problem paying a lot of money for a bowling ball, then dont buy a bowling ball. Its as simple as that, if you want it, you have to pay for it, no matter what the price is. Yea you can find it cheaper here, or get this free there, but in the end you end up with a bowling ball, and less money. Simple as that. If your so conservative about spending, then you'd know to wait. If you got ripped off, too bad, thats your problem.
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Re: How would you run your ball company?
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2004, 02:40:00 AM »
Lane1bowler-Yes I know pro shops have other expenses just like any other company but that has nothing to do with this thread topic.   Mr. Buzzsaw states that the bigger pro shops will run out the smaller ones?  How so?  If a big pro shop buys 40 bowling balls from lane 1 and gets 10 for free (1 for every 4 bought) and if pro shops purchase it from lane 1 for say 140 and sell it on the net for 160 and make a 20 buck profit a small pro shop can buy 4 bowling balls get 1 free for 140 each and sell it for 160 and still make a 20 dollar profit off each lane 1 ball.
Ike Brownfield


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Re: How would you run your ball company?
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2004, 02:58:35 AM »
just because a shop is small doesnt make it obsolite. we have a shop in an 8 lane center, and are probably the busiest in our county. why, because we do a good job, have good prices and specials, and give the customers what they want, RESPECT!! (and equipment drilled correctly doesn't hurt either!!)

"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"

Edited on 8/23/2004 2:53 AM