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Author Topic: Hybrid Dirty Bomb...Surface prep questions  (Read 815 times)


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Hybrid Dirty Bomb...Surface prep questions
« on: October 10, 2006, 06:09:07 AM »
What kinda reaction would I be looking at with a 800 grit (grey pad) on the ball ?

How about 600 grit (green pad) ?

ODB finish is "highly polished", so I assume thats 400 grit + Bunswicks high gloss polish ?

Give me some idea's...The ball is just going a bit to far down the alley before it makes a move. I already gave it a hot water bath so its just sitting here waiting to the spinner
Roto-Grip & Lane #1

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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb...Surface prep questions
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 07:51:08 PM »
it is always a trade-off when you sand a polished ball between length & hook

when you sand it, you will get an early roll, but less hook than the polished
however, it might actually move more (to you) when it sanded because when it is polished it did not have the chance to do so

on a side note, the HDB is the only lane#1 ball that did not fit my game and I ended up giving it away
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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb...Surface prep questions
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 09:48:20 AM »
my hybrid LOVES 2000 grit wet with a quick hit of polish. if the ball skids a bit too far for my liking, i lightly hit it with green scotch-brite and voila... it's a monster.

the HDB is by far my favorite ball, bar-none.
Brunswick and Lane #1... there is no other.