As has been stated, it's a matter of personal preference, and the only way to really know is to try a few out for yourself. Regardless of what anyone says, the diamond core does provide a different look. It's a subtle difference -- some like it while others don't see the big deal.
In my case, it's been worth it. I had plowed through over 50+ Storm, Ebonite, Track and Brunswick balls before trying Lane#1 (with skepticism), and after giving the Saws an honest try, I got the hype. After several years of my THS average hovering around 220, I've had two successive years of 230+ averages with Lane#1 equipment.
There is always the argument about 'cost', but in the overall scheme of things, I've found using Lane#1 no more expensive than if I had stayed with other companies. Why? Because frankly, Lane#1 puts out fewer duds. Most of the majors completely revamp their cover/cores each year to get you to buy something new. Many of those 'new' combinations are crap shoots, where you end up buying something else because the ball didn't work as advertised. So is it more expensive buying two of brand 'X', or buying one Lane#1?
But again, this is something you have to try and decide for yourself. Trying at least one out is not going to break the bank.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"