I have a couple interesting thoughts regarding the videos. Number one, can he never find a house that actually has a fresh shot out when he goes to record the videos? The conditions are always, "house shot with many games," or "bowled on lanes with previous day's carrydown." Second, how on earth can he get everything to roll up so well? I really am in complete disbelief. Especially with the pearl stuff when he bounces them off the gutter. Lol, there's no way that Brunswick coverstocks with early rolling cores are going to be that smooth and strong off the dry, let alone roll back up.
Now, I've had plenty of experience throwing, drilling, and watching other people throw Lane 1 stuff. The Carbide LRG is teh leet uber ball of all time, hands down, no contest. If I actually found another one, I'd probably hurt myself. The Blueberry is probably one of the most inexplicably versatile and incredible rolling balls of all time. The Emerald, while sometimes a little touchy, was a pretty powerful ball and a lot of fun to throw. The Cherry Bomb was just plain too much ball for me back when I threw the ball like crap. Now I'd probably enjoy it, but it was still a great ball either way. The original Uranium was pretty unique, it rolled very smooth and clean for being a pearl, loved it. The Cranberry was kind of a turd. Now, if I could have thrown it better, that would have helped, but it had a little trouble with flattening out sometimes. The Solid Uranium was a great lefthanded ball, I have no idea what it would have done righthanded . .
Throughout all this, the only one of those balls I'd actually believe might roll up for Mike with the way he throws it would be the Carbide LRG. ESPECIALLY on a beat up shot. In some of the videos, he actually gets around the ball a little, and the balls react like they should, given that roll. Most of those drillings are just too strong to react like they do. The Dirty Bomb reacts like it looks like it should with his roll, hook/stop. From watching the videos though, he does look pretty versatile. He can change speeds VERY easily, although I'm less than impressed by his shot from deep (unless that's just him just really trying to hit up on the ball for video show purposes), but I guess I just don't like his roll. That axis tilt with that forward roll just looks like trouble on most conditions, plus his speed doesn't really look like it matches up with his rev rate, it doesn't look like the ball should have energy to come back like that when it hits the dry. I'm not bashing the guy, obviously he can strike a lot, lol, but some of those videos have me in flat disbelief. Am I missing something? If those balls would roll back up for me like that, I'd buy a case right now. I know a lot of people that would, including people that already throw Lane 1 here in town . . .
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!