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I'm pleased to announce that Lane #1 has signed a contract with Columbia 300 to manufacture our bowling balls. We've had a great 14 yrs with Brunswick, and my thanks go out to them.
Columbia 300 has given Lane #1 a great opportunity to grow as a company as well as keeping balls "made in the USA". Columbia 300 actually made our very first test balls 15 yrs. ago, so we're now getting a chance to go back to our 1st choice in manufacturing.
Columbia has a terrific R&D dept. and they've given me the freedom to use their facilities anytime necessary to do experimentation and testing, as well as formulate our own coverstocks. This is a big plus for Lane #1. I also feel confident in using Columbias top of the line resins when necessary, starting with the Super Flex and M80 coverstocks, wrapped around our patented diamond core. This will enable us to continue to produce the highest scoring balls on the market. We are currently in the process of formulating our own resins, which will give our equipment a wider range of ball reactions on the lane than currently available.
Columbias staff is a pleasure to work with, and eager to help in any way possible. This means I can get things done faster when designing new cores, allowing Lane #1 to get more creative than we have been in the past. They're also a family owned business, like Lane #1, which I favor. Their owners have made me feel like part of their family, making it easier for me to communicate with when dealing with the higher ups. Overall, it's a win win situation for both of our companies.
Look for our first new ball to be produced in mid October along with exciting new ideas after the new year.
Richie Sposato
President/CEO Lane #1