Being with the same mfg from the inception of lane 1 and with Bruns for 14 yrs and switching is a "Big" Deal, Is it a good move? Don't know yet, And yes, The superflex cover and the M80 cover look to be good.
But the fact is they had 2 "DUD" covers, I can't recall any dud bruns covers, Hopefully the lessons they learned from previous failures do not come back to haunt them, The "Epoxy" cover was suppose to be the next best thing since the car with 7 yrs, yes 7 yrs of R&D and look what they ended up with.
We will see how it all shakes out in the coming months, I think family values and made in the usa were the 2 biggest factors here.
From a mfg standpoint, I hear that Brunswick can pour covers for less money then all of the other mfg's out there so don't be looking for any major discounts.
I am sure Ritchie will be putting out a superior product as he has for the last 14 yrs, I know in the Past my game never matched up to the Columbia Balls, So i am skeptical, But its like the chicken and the egg, Is it the cover or the core that makes a great ball, We will see.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW

Cherry Pearl C/2 x4

Super Carbide

Super Carbide Bomb

Black Cherry Bomb x2




Urainium Solid x2

Cobalt Solid

Crystal Diamond
F.O.S. Addiction