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Author Topic: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia  (Read 3469 times)


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Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« on: August 28, 2006, 11:12:06 AM »
It has been announced on the Lane 1 website by Ritchie Sposato Lane #1 has ended its 14 yr relationship with Brunswick and has Switched to Columbia, The 1st ball out is due in October, I wish Lane 1 luck and hope that they will not regret the move to Columbia
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2                                  

F.O.S. Addiction


D McLaughlin

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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2006, 12:11:43 AM »
So this means Lane #1 balls will now be less expensive since Big B isn't charging Richie a fortune?  LOL....wait for it.....wait for it comes....
I am a fan of whatever ball is going to fatten my bank account.
Darren McLaughlin


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2006, 07:09:26 AM »
I would comment on the price point but it is fruitless.  If any of you saw what it cost to make a ball (lane #1's cost) this would not be an issue

Given the fact they are only 20-30 more then most premium balls (and given the fact that most premium balls are catching them) big deal.

Now on to the Columbia news.  Remember Lane 1 did some different combos of maerials while Big B poured the covers, I would guess that we will see the exact same thing here.  take the best of the best and make something new that will work

And finally A_AK you're right, whats the big news, but just like when Brunswick releases something or does something new, their users get excited about it, let the lane #1 guys do the same.  For some of us, this will be an exciting change, let them experience that rather then ask what the big deal is.  Along this line tho, this will indeed be a very big deal, I anticipate big things to come out of this venture.  

And just for conspirator300.  If you got some help to lend or something posive to add, please do it, if all you wnat to do is make smart azz comments, keep em to yourself.  You wont like me if I start to follow you around

Based on what I know of the Columbia situation, you guys will love this stuff


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2006, 08:55:55 AM »
Being with the same mfg from the inception of lane 1 and with Bruns for 14 yrs and switching is a "Big" Deal, Is it a good move? Don't know yet, And yes, The superflex cover and the M80 cover look to be good.

But the fact is they had 2 "DUD" covers, I can't recall any dud bruns covers, Hopefully the lessons they learned from previous failures do not come back to haunt them, The "Epoxy" cover was suppose to be the next best thing since the car with 7 yrs, yes 7 yrs of R&D and look what they ended up with.

We will see how it all shakes out in the coming months, I think family values and made in the usa were the 2 biggest factors here.

From a mfg standpoint, I hear that Brunswick can pour covers for less money then all of the other mfg's out there so don't be looking for any major discounts.

I am sure Ritchie will be putting out a superior product as he has for the last 14 yrs, I know in the Past my game never matched up to the Columbia Balls, So i am skeptical, But its like the chicken and the egg, Is it the cover or the core that makes a great ball, We will see.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2
Cobalt Solid
Crystal Diamond                                  

F.O.S. Addiction


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2006, 09:45:02 AM » it's final. lol.
I've never cared for anything Columbia so I'm disappointed. That means no new Saws in my bag and a few high interest loans for some old ones. lol.

Of course, I'm still more than happy to support and promote this fine little company. Richie and his crew have brought them this far so I'm pretty sure they'll have the sack to make the switch work. Good luck guys!

Joe Jr

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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2006, 10:10:50 AM »

- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

Edited on 7/21/2005 1:21 PM


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2006, 10:54:18 AM »

But the fact is they had 2 "DUD" covers, I can't recall any dud bruns covers, discounts.

A little off topic

XLP MTX-2 (Navy Fuze)
ProActive ETX-3 (Brimstone Monster)
PowrKoil LS (Monster SlayR)

I found these cover to be DUDs. Some would disagree for sure as I disagree that the TEC covers were DUDs


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2006, 02:43:26 PM »
Trigg, I have no problem with you FOS members to get excited about the switch, since you use the equipment and it makes sense to have anticipation about being able to use new covers.  I was just questioning all the other random people who contributed in the other topics and went on and on...It's not like it concerns them.  (FYI, I made the comment expecting this to turn into yet another raging debate. )
- Andy

Edited on 8/29/2006 2:38 PM


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2006, 04:06:09 PM »
Nice of Richie to keep production in the states. The diamond and bomb cores are the best around!


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2006, 04:50:18 PM »
XLP MTX-2 (Navy Fuze)
ProActive ETX-3 (Brimstone Monster)
PowrKoil LS (Monster SlayR)

maybe you're the DUD.


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2006, 06:40:05 PM »
I must say, a Diamond Core w/ a Superflex cover sounds interesting...I for one have never been a fan of the Brunswick covers.

Splend: I can understand not being a fan of Brunswick as a company (I'm one of it's biggest bashers as a corporate citizen), but credit must be given where it's due. Like the company or not,

               Brunswick makes exceptional covers

I've experienced this completely on my Lane#1 arsenal; they adjust easily, they're durable, and they cover the full range of reaction -- all fact that's not subject to much debate.

If you're not a fan of Brunswick covers, it's for reasons other than bowling performance.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2006, 06:50:47 PM »
Which mfg out there has a cover that has been around for over 10 yrs with more sucess and is still being produced and used today like the powerkoil 18 coverstock?

Thats right nobody, This cover will still outperform most others hands down, I still bowl with 6 yr old technology that is just as strong today as it was in 2000, And Brunswicks bread and butter coverstock was and still is the powerkoil 18 coverstock. Thats longevity.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2
Cobalt Solid
Crystal Diamond                                  

F.O.S. Addiction


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2006, 07:24:53 PM »
MegaMav maybe you should stick to a forum that would want you there. Are there any? Hmmm...the crazy thoughts one can ponder waiting for league.

nice profile, How old are you, kid? Eleven, twelve?

i cant recall the last time you've made a significant contribution to this site.

Edited on 8/29/2006 7:23 PM


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2006, 07:30:57 PM »
Which mfg out there has a cover that has been around for over 10 yrs with more sucess and is still being produced and used today like the powerkoil 18 coverstock?

Thats right nobody, This cover will still outperform most others hands down, I still bowl with 6 yr old technology that is just as strong today as it was in 2000, And Brunswicks bread and butter coverstock was and still is the powerkoil 18 coverstock. Thats longevity.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2
Cobalt Solid
Crystal Diamond                                  

F.O.S. Addiction

How long has Superflex been in use for?  From what I've seen, its been around for 10 years or so as well.
Dan Chambers


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2006, 07:36:50 PM »
How long has Superflex been in use for? From what I've seen, its been around for 10 years or so as well.

seems like forever doesnt it?

i used to have a Columbia300 Rage Black.

the ceramicore and the superflex combination was great, loudest bowling ball ive every thrown.

lots of 10 pins, but i was a much weaker bowler 10 years ago than i am now.


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Re: Its Official!!! Lane #1 Switches to Columbia
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2006, 08:48:09 PM »
at least columbia makes better looking balls!
amf300, all the way!