Well yesterday I contacted the original owner of the ball and ask him about anything that he had done as far as sanding, polishing ect...
He said at his house it was dry alot so he use to out the ball in he Luster King !!!
I guess that explains its, lol
So after that, I hit the ball with 180 grit (!) and gave it another how water bath...You wouldnt belive the stuff that came out, wow !
After that I hit it with 240 and then 320 wetsand. Then a nice application of Brunswick High-Gloss polish...and I tried it last night. We were suppose to get hit with that Hurricane/Tropical storm , so the bowling cenetr was almost empty
The ball was doing stuff its never done...Talk about flipping and crushing the pocket !...Just like a new ball
...Who would have thought that the ball was loaded with polish ?
Thank god I figured this one out, this has been a ongoing fight between me and this ball, lol.
Thanks for the replies guys !
Nothing but Dyno-Thane
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...