Hmm, not much you can do - pin will surely end up under the fingers. What's your PAP? I once had a pin-in Trauma - not a good comparison basis, I know - and I had it drilled strong with the pin at 4" from PAP, and the CG, also a 1" pin, stacked. The pin ended up in a 4 o'clock position from my ring finger, and a small weight hole was necessary to get the ball legal (since it was just 1x1", I assume the ball also had lower top weight). The ball, despite being a polished pearl, showed s super strong, arcing hook, with a thunderous back end. It had been for a long time my best hitting/carrying ball. It was very predictable and a great choice for deep lines on medium conditions.
With a more aggressive coverstock and a non-polished surface, I can imagine that such a reaction should work well on the condition you want to use it on, even though I cannot tell how strong the C+ overall is. The Trauma was a pretty potent ball, with a high differential core, not sure about the C+ core - but its states 6" of flare potential, so I think it will have a similar result, maybe more even and earlier due to the particle coverstock.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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