This is indeed a disturbing trend that transcends the game of bowling and the manufacturing of the bowling bowls themselves because it again directly affects the lives of honest working Americans.
Please note, that if Bruns relocates to mexico for what appears to save costs, AT THE COST of displacing American workers, then this is completely unacceptable to me. Because, even if they save millions, do you think they will pass these savings onto the consumer? Lets say a $180 ball will now be sold to us for $100 only? Don't bet the house on it, this is about corporate greed rearing it's ugly head once again and I'm damn sick and tired of it.
Here's an example: Good ole boy boy Phil Knight who is the CEO of Nike uses basically sweat-shop labor in southeast asia to make his shoes for chump change, yet he still turns around and sells them for high dollar amounts. Where's the saved money going to, to us, as in savings to the consumer? Hell no, its goes into the coffers of the Phil and his corporate greed mongers.
It's going to be the same old song and dance for Bruns, but this time I aint buyin'. If they move to mehico it's going to be three strikes and I'm not talking a turkey. It also means that I will stop supporting Lane 1 as well. It'll be hello Visionary.

Member of the F.O.S.
There is only Lane #1
Hybrid Dirty Bomb

Pearl Uranium Buzzsaw


Super Carbide Bomb
Edited on 6/25/2005 11:35 PM
Edited on 6/25/2005 11:35 PM