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Author Topic: Lane #1 Are you going to continue using Brunswick when they go to Mexico?  (Read 5506 times)


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Just like the subject says, is Lane#1 going to continue to allow Brunswick to manufacture their balls & coverstocks after they move production to Mexico?

Loss of customer base due to backlash wont affect a huge corporate megalopoly like Big B, but it might impact a company such as yourselves.

I've already stated that I wont be supporting any companies that are using Brunswick. This unfortunatly includes Lane#1.

Visionary is producing all of their equipment in the US & I plan to switch to them for my bowling ball needs.

Please Lane#1, realize that American jobs & supporting our workers is too important not to take action.



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I have sent Lane 1 an email and they replied that they are staying with Brunswick so I sent them one back and told them good luck but they will not receive and more of my business. If enough people do that it might make them think. Just a thought.
Member of Fellowship of the Saws.
There is only one LANE#1
Randy (The Dawg)

I am disapointed in you Randy.  If quality goes down yes I can see you leaving but you must have an open mind and at least give them a chance.  The bottom line is Big B makes the best covers and as long as only the location changes and the quality doesn't that is no reason to say I will never buy another ball from them.  You gotta see how this all pans out first.  I would hope nobody else in the FOS would send such a mail.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
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JPR, I am not going to use them unless the price goes down because they will not have the expense in them. Or at least Brunswick won't. I work in the transportation business and I am affected by  NAFTA everyday so I will not support it. Just my opinion everyone else can do what ever they like.
Member of Fellowship of the Saws.
There is only one LANE#1
Randy (The Dawg)

Ok I am not trying to argue really I am not but the price won't drop at least not for buzzsaws, I mean like it has been said Richie charges what he wants to charge.  So I am kinda having a hard time with your statement I want use them unless the price comes down because afterall you do use them now right.  Again not trying to be argumentative just trying to make my point.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
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A lot of you are discussing the quality or price of the product after the production in mexico begins. As far as I'm concerned you are missing the main point. Another large company pulling up stakes & moving out of the country. as far as I can see, we can't stand too much more outsourcing, companies moving, & foreigners coming here taking American jobs. Oh thats right ,they are jobs no American would do anyway! (Bullhunky!) Anyway, I'm fed up with what is happening altogether, & it doesn't matter to me if the product gets better or worse, more expensive or less expensive, I will keep & use what I already have, but will purchase no more from them or their affiliates. Also if I continue to bowl, it will not be in a brunswick house. You can say or think whatever you like about me, but that is the way I feel.

Quoted for truth.

That's exactly the way I feel. You all will come down on us & say "Your business doesn't matter, you're only 1 person". Go ahead & feel that way, but some of us have beliefs & values that will not allow us to support corporations like this.

If someone has actually gotten an e-mail back from lane #1, could you please post it here? Thanks!


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Profits will not stay the same.  They will definately go up for the companies.  They move overseas because the cost of producing the product there and shipping it back to the states is much less than paying the American worker there wage.  I primarily use Morich but once the production is up in Mexico I will be switching, unless Mo dumps Brunswick.  I know its global economy but Id rather support a company paying American workers to produce there product.


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As an international Lane #1 user, it doesn't matter where
Lane #1 balls are being manufactured.. All I care is
Member of F.O.S cause I'm using 100% BUZZSAWS !!


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Remember LIND'S.
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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hehe... Lane1, the MOST expensive balls on the market are made in the USA... good luck

imagine Rolls Royce moving their factory to Korea and trying to sell a Super Luxury car for 1 Million... good luck!

hummmm imagine BMW and Mercedes building in the united states, WOW that must have really hit the germans hard.

Not following the world market very closely, Triggerman?
FOr years now, the Mercedes C series and the BMW 3 series have NOT beenmade inGermany. MOst are made in Yugoslavia by "aliens" according to the Germans. That is why the build quality of the C series have not been up to thatt of the E and S series for Mercedes and the build quality of the 3 series for BMW have not been upt to the quality of the 5 and 7 series for BMW!!


 None of you have said anything bout the foreign manufactures who have opened up plants here in the states in order to be more cost freindly.  Glad you are getting you US built toyotas and hondas and nissans, and mercedes at a reduced rate.  oh wait that is right, they did not lower their price either, just added to the bottom line.  --------------------

I have had 2 Toyotas recently. A 1996 LE made in Japan, and now a 2005 XLE made in Kentucky. The list price for the 1996 ($28K) was more than the better equipped, better handling, better performing 2005 ($26K) model. Now tell me that is NOT a price reduction! 10 years and a price reduction. The 2005 appears to be as well built, but only time will tell.

I had the 1996 for 180,000 miles and the only thing outside of normal maintenance I did was change light bulbs. I only got the 2005 at my wife's insistence because she was worried that the 1996 might fail and repairs would be more than it's worth.

There are horror stories both here and outside about car manufacturing.

Mercedes built SUVs in one of the Carolinas; its build quality in the first 3 years or so was the worst of any cars built anywhere except maybe for the original Hyundais. When Volkswagen moved Jetta building to Mexico the quality stayed miserable for years and still is. Yet Tototas plants in Kentucky, Nissans in Smyrna, Ohio are capable of competing with Lexus's and Infiniti's plants in Japan, which are the state of the art and have the absolute best reputation for build qaulity.

So, I'd say it's all up to the corporation who runs and designs the plants and their procedures. If the corporation does the right job, any plant anywhere, can do a great job. If they don't do things right, it can be a disaster.

Bottom line is we have yet lost more manufacturing jobs that will NEVER, EVER return. We are becoming a nation who builds nothing and sells everything. We will just wind up making commissions of selling each other things we buy from overseas. Thank you, Mr. Regan and Mr. Bushes. Maybe we can destroy a few more forests and sell the wood to Paraguay or Spain or Japan.

Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, in bowling you only have to get close ...

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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This is what I received from Lane 1 ;

Thanks for checking out our website, hope you've enjoyed it. Lane #1 will not change manufacturers just because Brunswick moves to Mexico. We will change manufacturers if quality goes down or if orders can't get filled on time. As of this moment, we are happy with Brunswick manufacturing. But, we won't rule out the possibility of having another manufacturer make product for us along with Brunswick. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us again anytime by e-mail or phone 1-800-Lane No.1 (526-3661). Thank you for your concern.
Lane #1


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If they are making a superior product, why is it that when a pro shop buys a case they get a ball for free which, in the end makes the overall cost of those balls about the same as the pro shop would pay for any other manufacturer's highend ball? Pro shops then push them because they make a bigger profit off of the balls!

Violence never solved anything...........but it does get rid of the competition which makes it easier for you


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Excellent. Thanks for confirming Lane#1.

I can't wait to try Lanemasters or Visionary.


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Both of you are way off topic.


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if we quit buying products manufactured outside of the us we wouldnt buy anything anymore.  chevy an american revolution but alot of there cars and trucks are manufactured outside the us like the avalnche and heck my 2003 truck was manifactured in canda yet its an american revolution.  Point blank lane 1 makes a real good ball that hits like a ton of bricks and what they say a ball will do 9 out of 10 times they do exactly that with hitting power unheard of.  real good ball and made a believer out of me and i own cherry bomb, black cherry bomb,  uranium, and the bullet.  so as long as the ball stays good and true ill still buy lane 1.  i might not like the move to mexico but as long as product is good i cant turn them back or if i did i have to quit buying almost everything these days
doesnt look like im in kansas anymore toto


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This is indeed a disturbing trend that transcends the game of bowling and the manufacturing of the bowling bowls themselves because it again directly affects the lives of honest working Americans.

Please note, that if Bruns relocates to mexico for what appears to save costs, AT THE COST of displacing American workers, then this is completely unacceptable to me. Because, even if they save millions, do you think they will pass these savings onto the consumer? Lets say a $180 ball will now be sold to us for $100 only? Don't bet the house on it, this is about corporate greed rearing it's ugly head once again and I'm damn sick and tired of it.

Here's an example: Good ole boy boy Phil Knight who is the CEO of Nike uses basically sweat-shop labor in southeast asia to make his shoes for chump change, yet he still turns around and sells them for high dollar amounts. Where's the saved money going to, to us, as in savings to the consumer? Hell no, its goes into the coffers of the Phil and his corporate greed mongers.

It's going to be the same old song and dance for Bruns, but this time I aint buyin'. If they move to mehico it's going to be three strikes and I'm not talking a turkey. It also means that I will stop supporting Lane 1 as well. It'll be hello Visionary.
Member of the F.O.S.
There is only Lane #1

Hybrid Dirty Bomb
Pearl Uranium Buzzsaw
Super Carbide Bomb

Edited on 6/25/2005 11:35 PM

Edited on 6/25/2005 11:35 PM


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This is a reply to all the people worried about lane 1 an American company suffering from lost business because of brunswicks choice to move. As far as lane 1 is concerned they also have a choice if they decide to support the loyal consumers who still want a 100% American product they have 3 major ball companies who would be able to supply them with alternate covers.If lane 1 chooses they can still do business with brunswick and also any one they chose to keep the customers happy. I have been happy with all the products I have had from lane 1 but that dosent mean that affiliation with another coverstock company would have bad results. I believe it is a choice as consumers where we would benefit from more options. That alone may be a good thing. Most every bowler has used many companies to fill the "gaps" in the arsenal now this corporate decision could narrow the gaps. I personally hope lane 1 takes this route as I have really come appreciate the benefits of a buzzsaw however my loyalties lie with my fellow Americans.Im gonna enjoy bowling with an American made ball buzzsaw or not its just more fun with a saw.


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You know you guys are like fare weather fans of your so called favorite sports teams. You're all yeaa if their winning or raggin' on them if they suck for a couple of years. I hope everyone here is into realization. Virtually nothing you use in everyday life is 100% American. So what!!, if Brunswick is moving, that's a corporate business decision that is not going to be affected by less than 5% of their consumers, whereas they make 100's of products not just coverstocks of balls. The gasoline we use is not 100% american!! We don't have plentiful oil in the U.S. to provide for excessive use. You guys are makin' a mountain out of a mohill.  LANE #1 is still an American co. which has created a magnificent line of balls that have been used for years, and are really in the last 3years becoming real popular.I am a SAWMAN for life unless LANE #1 themselves move to another country. a coverstock is material. The clothes you wear are materials from overseas companies. So now you're going to walk around naked or with American grown fig leaves???!!!! Get a grip people our cars aren't 100% American and if you think so you better ask somebody. I'm done and i'm outie......>>>>>>>>THERE IS ONLY LANE #1 (F.O.S. member)
Official Member of F.O.S.                   We play Dirty                            Hittin' you like a ton of BRICKS
"Use to be BUZZZZSAW Exclusive"