Andy: After doing the Columbia WOW test a year or so ago, I did post a thread discussing what I experienced. Much of the feedback I received was similar to Mav-O's; not scientific enough, not adhering to specific testing guidelines, etc.
That's cool. I understand the doubt and the questions. I offer the tests I conducted for what they are worth, and if some people here choose not to believe, I get it. I'm not a physicist, and I don't claim to understand the the mathematical motions of cores. What I do understand are tests that yield predicable results. That's all I was trying to convey.
What I don't get is bowlers who won't try a personal test themselves, yet form an opinion based on a single video. Especially since there isn't absolute consensus among the different ball companies. The same thing goes for the the cover vs. core debate. I see endless debate based on what's been read and researched, but when you ask about specific personal tests, what you get back is the 'sound of silence'
Bowlers are an interesting breed.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"