Sorry I didn't respond to your post earlier about Alvin and Parkway. I just seen Alvin again Thursday while bowling in this quarters position round in a single person league. I had to take 10 of 14 points from the first place bowler and the Big Time pearl worked tremendously.
Alvin use to be my coach when he coached on Mondays but since he has moved to Tuesdays, I can't make it because I bowl league. Alvin is a great guy and very knowledgeable about the game and bowling equipment. He's just not my bowling ball driller.
I read your post in the beginning before the post got off track, though an interesting thread on CG. Thank you for your input. in the end I'm probably going to mix Ebonite and Lane 1 and fill the gaps from there. That was why I ordered the Uranium Enriched. I was hoping to get a pearl that was stronger and drilled differently than my Big Time pearl.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback also. At the end of this email I'm going to combine the Ebonite stuff I want to use and the Lane 1 and hope that I can fill the gap. I do only take 4 bowling balls to league but tournaments I usually bring more and just leave the condition specific ones under the seat. Its nice to see some of the older Ballreview members still reading and posting.
Now for the combination of Ebonite and Lane 1. If you all don't mind helping make a combined arsenal on the Lane 1 thread, I'd appreciate it.
Heavy oil: SCB and the XXXcel
Medium/heavy: Super Carbide/Big Time
Medium: Enriched Uranium/Big Time Pearl
Medium/light XL and the Big Time pearl could almost fit here
light XXL, Sonic Boom, Cross Fire
dry XXXL, old urethane red Hammer pearl
I have The One but I haven't figured it out yet.
I know Steven said the Dirty Bomb pearl might work in this arsenal, so hopefully you Steven and the rest of you can help me consolidate and fill in the weak spots of the arsenal.
Now that I'm getting stronger again and some confidence again, I'd like to get back to bowling tournaments.
Thanks for all your help.