Well I look at this situation with mixed feelings:
-Manufacture in USA is a good thing. This doesn't sway my decisions on any purchases, however.
-We might get a chance to experience a new line of balls with varying reactions from what we have seen the last several years. It is interesting simply from a curiosity standpoint.
-Overhead MAY be cheaper. Hopefully that savings would be passed on to the consumers.
-POSSIBLY an opportunity to silence some of the Lane #1 haters, if the new equipment does in fact perform as well or better.
-I hate Columbia covers. I hate the mixing and the distinctively C300 pattern. I haven't seen one that really appealed to me since the Original Beast Pearl that I still own. I think Doug Sterner also said this. To be fair, I haven't thrown a C300 cover in a while with the exception of a Track Machine. Not terribly impressed.
-We may not be able to duplicate the reaction or the matchup of cover/core with another company. That would be a shame because that matchup is what brought me to Lane #1.
-Potential QC problems that have made C300 infamous.
Right now the only stuff I throw other than Lane #1 is Brunswick stuff. I have dabbled a little in some Ebonite (the One) and Track (Machine), and now I am experimenting with LaneMasters, MoRich and Hammer (just got a few new balls).
All I can say is I know I can trust Brunswick-based equipment, and I can't say the same for the other stuff I own. I am not sure that I want to spend a small fortune to take a chance on something I don't totally trust, even if it does have my beloved Diamond core. For me it is about that beautiful matchup of Activator-based covers and Lane #1's cores. Don't really want to rely on anything else; even the older Lane #1's (non-Activator based) are not as appealing to me. I give big B full credit for supplying the BEST covers on the market, and love that they are wrapped around my Buzzsaws.
I am sure that many people feel the same as I do about replacing an arsenal over time with covers they may not be familiar with or trust as much. An arsenal does cost big bucks, and if I am going to spend my money, I want to have that predictability and familiarity that comes with the big B covers.
Given that, I will likely at least try a C300-covered Buzzsaw, but if I don't like it, I may have to go all Big B. Lane #1 has earned my loyalty and they have it as long as the product matches up to me, but if their product no longer matches up because of this change, I will be forced to switch allegiance. I have had great success with Brunswick equipment, and have not with C300.
All this being said, I am open to the possibility, however unlikely it may seem, that the new cover/core matchup will be GREAT, and that possibility is exciting to me. It will open the door to a whole new line of great equipment, and in this case I can continue to support Lane #1 as the great company they are.
Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!~
Proud original member-