I agree with twoheadedboy, If you were to stop buying products because they were not made in america, You would be very rich because you would not spend any money, There is not many if anything that is made strictly 100% american made and that includes the food you eat and the pkg that it is in.
I don't agree with dissing Brunswick because of the move to Mexico, If quality became an issue that would warrant a change, But before we proclaim that this move was the best thing for Lane 1, Lets wait and see a few consistant runs of new balls with the Colubia covers before we make claims that it will be the best thing that has happened for both companys.
Yes it should be good, Yes both Ritchie and Columbia should benifit by this, But to go beating a drum and making proclaimations before anything is released is just stupid.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW

Cherry Pearl C/2 x4

Super Carbide

Super Carbide Bomb

Black Cherry Bomb x2




Urainium Solid x2

Cobalt Solid

Crystal Diamond
F.O.S. AddictionEdited on 8/30/2006 8:29 AM