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Author Topic: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick  (Read 16224 times)


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Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:51:19 AM »
Well, It looks like the lane 1 bruns relationship is nearing an end, The word is that lane 1 is going to Columbia as there new Manufacturer for there balls, There has been rumors that it was Ebonite, But i had it confirmed that it was not, And it won't be Brunswick, So That would leave Storm or Columbia as the Major mfg left.

I hope that Columbia would have there act together as far as there coverstocks are concerned because i was not impressed with there stuff in the past...., I hope that this does not become a bad move on there part as lane 1's balls in my opinion have been superior.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2                                  
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F.O.S. Addiction



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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #76 on: September 01, 2006, 06:57:31 AM »
well I stayed out of this, butI watched this very same thing happen at the company i just left (I was smart enough to see the writing on the wall)  I worked for a company doing 400 million in sales with a net profit margin somewhere in the 10-12% (which if you know business is a dang good net profit)  We did not see raises in two years, watched our health care costs go up, and then in the last year I watched them move all of my projects, which were being built at a plant in Iowa (Read low wages) to an offshore manufacturer.  Why, to increase the bottom line more.  This is the whole problem with the american economy right now.  The US goverment allows US based companies to go over seas, and to import without heavy import taxes, whereas the companies in the US who try to export are hammered heavily with import tariffs around the world.  The US one of the richest counties in the world cannot, and will not protect it manufacturing sector.  This is why our trade defecit is so high, this is why companies go over seas, this is why the US will turn into a tourist attraction and we will all be working in the service industry before it is done.  Are there times when a company has to do drastic things to survive, you bet, Brunswick Bowling from what I heard was operating in the Red and needed to so something drastic.  But this issue goes beyond Brunswick, GE, GM, Ford, Chrysler, some of their moves are strictly profit motivated. That is the part that is wrong.  companies need to look at what got them there, and look internally to fix temporary cash issues. the company I worked for for example, CEO and his group of "excutives" in excess of 5 million in bonus' when the working guy did not get as much of a sniff at a raise.  That is another of the underlining problems here.  my pay increase is based upon performance as theirs should be too


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #77 on: September 01, 2006, 09:07:15 AM »
Good effort on explaining elementary definitions. But they don't mean sh!t. People expect company's to care about the American worker(Who is generally the bowler). Especially when they are financially able to. They chose to not do so. Therefore some Americans choose to not purchase their equipment.

You have no argument here. It is simply a matter of opinion, and if you choose to ignore that, I can only imagine that, you sir, are an idiot.
God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, [ie., everybody.] to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time."

Simply well said!


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #78 on: September 01, 2006, 09:24:05 AM »

You're giving educated people a bad name.  Nice evasion, now how about trying to formulate an argument not based on semantics.  Being educated, you should know that you have to forgive people for not being versed in the vagaries of logic.

I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2006, 09:27:18 AM »
Blah Blah Blah, after all the name calling and rhetoric that applied to this topic, after the dust has settled it basically comes down to one thing, an oppinion.
If you don't like what's happening with Brunswick ( or any other bowling company) but else where. Every company has a multitude of fine equipment, you can find something for just about anyone.


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #80 on: September 05, 2006, 01:07:57 PM »
Are there times when a company has to do drastic things to survive, you bet, Brunswick Bowling from what I heard was operating in the Red and needed to so something drastic.

Just wanted to clarify something here.

Brunswick bowling as a whole was operating in the red. HOWEVER, "Brunswick Bowling" includes their Bowling Centers along with their bowling equipment divisions. You're correct, they needed to do something drastic, there was a plan put in place 2 years ago that was closing something like 20% of their bowling centers. According to their yearly report they plan on being in the black with the bowling centers by 2008.

This whole time the Bowling Equipment division has been in the black. good reason other than "maximizing profit".


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #81 on: September 06, 2006, 09:40:49 AM »
Which is what a publically traded company's obligation is to the shareholders, and should be.


Which is what YOU FEEL a publically traded company's obligation is to the shareholders.

Many people who are investors (myself included) are not only concerned with the bottom line of a company, but also with HOW that company gets its bottom line.

If a company is making money for me, I would rather see them keep making a profit here in the US than leave the country just for an extra .15 a share.
BTW, i pointed out in the last thread on this subject, the annual amount saved by Brunswick moving to mexico was about the same amount they pay the top 4 people in the company. Just 4 people's salaries, equal to the amount they saved by destroying hundreds of american worker's lives.

THB I realize you don't agree with me on this. You have made it clear that you feel it's OK for companies to close up shop & move out of the country. That's fine, it's your opinion. I simply choose to hold the countries I patronize to a higher standard.

Edited on 9/6/2006 9:36 AM


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #82 on: September 06, 2006, 09:45:02 AM »
Company's are supposed to make money.  That's the name of the game.  That's why Bruns made it's move to Mexico.

Brunswick made a choice to move to Mexico.  Just like I have a choice to not buy there equipment anymore.  I prefer to buy an American made product when ever I can.


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #83 on: September 06, 2006, 10:01:08 AM »
Now we are talking... there actually are other people who realize that we are only hurting ourselves and our fellow workers by purchasing imports.  Its no wonder all of the foreign students in my office say (in my foreign accent), "We love Bush.  He give my people jobs!"  I will never buy any brunswick equipment made outside of the US, and will do my best to shy customers away from it.  Its amazing how many customers are unaware of the move...and when informed have similar feelings.  Maybe Brunswick is saving money by the move, but I'm not sure it will offset their loss of sales once word gets out.  I am happy (for whatever reason) that Lane#1 has decided to part ways.  


I'm a great quitter. It's one of the few things I do well. I come from a long line of quitters. My father was a quitter, my grandfather was a quitter... I was raised to give up.
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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #84 on: September 06, 2006, 10:47:42 PM »
Ballreviews Checklist:

Lengthy Topic:  Check

Hijack of said topic:  Check

Said Topic in Lane 1 forum:  Check

Lane 1 forum topic with one person "debating" others:  Check

Hijack in Lane 1 forum NOT to "CG's", "core shape", "transfer of energy", "price", "I can piss further than you", "You're a Flaming Liberal/Redneck Conservative", "No You're the Idiot", "Learn to Spell", "This is the Internet, grammar doesn't matter", "Go kill yourself", "I'm going to put you on ignore", "No really, I'll put you on ignore after I reply to you", "Okay after this time", "Nevermind, I have to know what stupid things you're saying", "Forget this, I'm done talking to close-minded fools", "NO, YOU JUST DON'T GET IT DUMB**** I CAN'T STAND YOU OPEN YOUR MIND!!!!!1", "I'm leaving the forum", "Hi I'm an ambiguous brand new user who shares the same thoughts as the poster who left, and conveniently has the same first name"....  to Brunswick:  Whhaaaaaa??!?!?!??

- Andy

Edited on 9/6/2006 10:42 PM


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #85 on: September 07, 2006, 12:20:13 AM »
Twoheadedboy the stone cold fact about this entire situation is there are people who don't like Brunswicks move to Mexico.

We have the right to not buy there equipment anymore because of there move.  If you don't like that fact then that's just too bad buddy!  

I will never buy another Brunswick ball again.  I will support the American bowling ball company's.

We should post this debate in the misc. section on this site.  Maybe we can get the word out to more people who don't know about Brunswicks move to Mexico.

Edited on 9/7/2006 0:20 AM


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2006, 09:20:23 AM »
That's fine if you want to pick your investments on a socially conscious basis (which you've previously indicated that you're not doing)

When have I ever indicated that I do not choose my investments on a socially conscious basis?

When I said "Many people who are investors (myself included)" I was referring to investors in general, not people who own Brunswick stock. I myself do not own any part of Brunswick, nor would I. I would have dropped their stock a long time ago when they moved their marine division to Reynosa, Mexico. The same with a whole host of other companies. Do you realize how hard it is to find a fund that doesn't have any Walmart shares?

Bottom line is, I was worried that Lane #1 was going to continue to use Brunswick covers. Ritchie heard the outrage of his consumers and made a choice to support the american worker. I look forward to Lane #1's new releases & hope they are a success.


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Re: Lane 1 Leaving Brunswick
« Reply #87 on: September 07, 2006, 09:40:09 AM »
Should ask Moe Pinel How his Columbia Relationship worked out? I believe the reason Moe left was because Columbia did not give him a lot of flexibility into creating coverstocks to his liking, As Brunswick has allowed the flexibility, I believe when it is all said and done,I think in the end Lane 1's move, As with all business's, came down to Dollars and Cents
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
Cherry Pearl C/2 x4
Super Carbide
Super Carbide Bomb
Black Cherry Bomb x2
Urainium Solid x2
Cobalt Solid
Crystal Diamond                                  

F.O.S. Addiction

Edited on 9/7/2006 11:42 AM