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Author Topic: Lane 1 Special....  (Read 3635 times)

Doug Sterner

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Lane 1 Special....
« on: May 14, 2006, 10:44:50 AM »
It's been a little slow lately so I'll throw out a nice deal here....

Any 2 Lane 1 balls in their current line plus a 2 ball roller for $425 plus shipping.

Drilling is also available for an additional fee.

Email or PM me with your specs.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Where Quality Service Outweighs Cheap Prices
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Saw Mill

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 08:47:59 PM »
It sad when a GREAT small business owner like Doug Sterner has to resort to this, and Rumor has it that he may close his doors.  The reasons are simple, there are too many larger shop owners on this site that under price their stuff so that there is no way he can afford to stay open, for he cannot afford to match price with the larger shop owners who can afford to go so low.  The second is that too many people go and buy from internet sales companies, and while they are reputable, they too can sell at bottom prices because they get so many balls.  It is sad to think that Doug may not be selling soon, BUT I do hope that he will keep his drill press so people can keep him in practice, and maybe sales can pick up, but it appears that too many larger shops can, and will continue to sell low.  I wish I understood the way some people think.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

Bomb Squad Certified and Licensed Diamond Cutter

Edited on 5/15/2006 6:59 PM


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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 07:59:22 AM »
dang Doug...that's a helluva deal. I'll have to see if I can talk the wife into this one!

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 09:04:06 AM »
Unfortunately %80 of bowlers do not understand the value of a good ball driller. It is not liking shopping for a gallon of milk.


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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 10:03:03 AM »
Unfortunately %80 of bowlers do not understand the value of a good ball driller.

i do, but i also realize when the rug is bring pulled from under me with pricing.

my driller's inferno line is $220 drilled + tax.

i buy my stuff online (ebay) for around $100 + his $35 drilling fee.

best ball driller in the area, i wouldnt go to anyone else, but if i had to consider his prices, i'd roll my old equipment till it cracks.

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2006, 10:10:22 AM »
This is a great deal from an all around good person!


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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2006, 12:26:14 PM »
couple of bucks?

try $100


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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2006, 12:28:42 PM »
Okay that is ridiculous Lane1bowler.  Anyone on here will buy a ball on ebay for $100 and pay $35 for drilling, over $220+tax on a ball in a pro shop, its economics.  No one is going to pay the extra $90 just because they want to help out the por shop, its not ethical for themselves, and frankly, it's just dumb.  I haven't purchased a ball full price in over 3 years, and I know many people that are the same way.  I drill for friends, and encourage them to find alternate means to buying a ball, and charge them $30 plus grips and slugs to save them money.  I definetly console smaller Pro shops like Doug's, but people are going to save money at all costs.  But i'm pretty sure most pro shop employees here will agree with me.  80% of the balls I sell and drill are for first time customers, and they are target zones, white dots, power grooves and scouts.  The high-end stuff in the pro shop takes forever to get rid of, and really isn't worth stocking.  Be smart with what you stock, realize what you are going to sell, over what you want to sell.
*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.

T Brockette

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2006, 12:28:51 PM »

I have done several deals with Doug on line, and he is a very trusted person to deal with. That being said, who is at fault here for alot of shops not being able to compete? Why is equipment being sold online at all? Before people start blaming a person, because it is available to them, for saving money, let's put the blame where it lies. The ball companies and distributors are to blame for this mess. The distributors for allowing an online shop to sell so cheap. The distributor, who is some cases, could possibly be selling directly to the customer under an assumed company name. The manufactures who have no guide lines, nor any regulations about how, when, or why there product is sold.

If something was to happen to Doug's shop, I for one would be sad. Not only because one more little man has lost the fight, but also because even though I have never met Doug in person, I consider him a friend. This would be a tragedy, but lets hold the right people accountable. Just my two cents worth.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread, just wanted to reply to Dave's statement. Also not trying to start an arguement.

The deal that Doug has here is a great deal from a top notch person.

Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2006, 12:44:33 PM »
My ball driller does not stock lane 1 balls and it is because of the price that lane 1 wants for there balls he tells me, So i buy online or at ebay, Thwn have him drill them.
I have used doug before as well as buddies,beans,drillwizard and so on, They are all reputable people to deal with, But business is business and i am a wholesaler also, and have to deal with these same issues on a daily basis, There will always be somebody that wants to capture the market, and use there buy 4 and get 1 free to reduce the price or buy enough at that price to get free shipping from the mfg to reduce the price further and pass the savings along rather then keep it.....Retro
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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2006, 12:44:42 PM »

I have done several deals with Doug on line, and he is a very trusted person to deal with. That being said, who is at fault here for alot of shops not being able to compete? Why is equipment being sold online at all? Before people start blaming a person, because it is available to them, for saving money, let's put the blame where it lies. The ball companies and distributors are to blame for this mess. The distributors for allowing an online shop to sell so cheap. The distributor, who is some cases, could possibly be selling directly to the customer under an assumed company name. The manufactures who have no guide lines, nor any regulations about how, when, or why there product is sold.

If something was to happen to Doug's shop, I for one would be sad. Not only because one more little man has lost the fight, but also because even though I have never met Doug in person, I consider him a friend. This would be a tragedy, but lets hold the right people accountable. Just my two cents worth.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread, just wanted to reply to Dave's statement. Also not trying to start an arguement.

The deal that Doug has here is a great deal from a top notch person.


I could not agree with you more.. When the distributors or manufacturers sell the balls cheaper to the online pro shops, thats where the problem really starts..

The online companies buy these balls in large bulk, thus getting a much better deal than the pro shop owner thats trying to buy 1 or 2 for his shop..

I have been buying and selling balls on the net myself for almost 3 years and some of the deals I have found are so good, I sell stuff to my pro shop guy (who is my friend) because I can get better deals on stuff from my connections than he can get from his distributor..

That is a huge problem in my eyes.. The pro shop guy should be able to get the same prices or better than the big interent sites, but thats not gonna happen because the manufacturers and distributors want to sell in bulk and make more money.. The bottom line is this.. Its all about them making as much money as they can, period. They could care less about the little guys like Doug and thats just wrong..

I have also dealt with Doug several times and he is 1st class all the way and hope he continues with his pro shop business..
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on 4/18/06: 193 298 193, now thats a consistant league night, huh?? LOL..
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Saw Mill

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2006, 06:54:04 PM »

I am not talking about internet biggies, I am talking about proshops, on this site, that undercut pricing enough where they will break even, because they can afford it, due to lots of sales, due to shop size and clientele.  I have been to Doug's shop, and quite often he has charged only 15.00 above cost to help bowlers out, as well as to try to match other driller/shop owners to stay afloat.  Yes, most bowlers will go where a 100.00 savings is, but if we are talking 30-40 dollars, I would use Doug, or someone like him, especially since I have seen his work, and he is the BEST.  He matched me perfectly without ever fitting me or seeing me.  I just do not want to see him go because other shops can cut prices, where he cannot.  They will not admit to under-pricing, but I have seen it.  By the way, I do not consider your post a hi-jack.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

Bomb Squad Certified and Licensed Diamond Cutter

Doug Sterner

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2006, 07:13:00 PM »
I appreciate the kind words guys...I always do my best....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Where Quality Service Outweighs Cheap Prices
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2006, 07:14:06 PM »
Why are all of you filling Doug's post up with this pricing debate?  Take it to the Misc. boards and cut the guy some slack, he's trying to make a living.
Yes, there is enough oil and no, the ball is not rolling-out.
Is that your answer to everything in life?

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Doug Sterner

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Re: Lane 1 Special....
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2006, 04:14:08 PM »
Mr Regulator,

Before you try to throw a spin on this post by implying that I am playing a game here, notice that nowhere in any post I have made here says anything about going out of business.

Someone else made an implication that simply because I was running a sale I must be in dire straits and talking about closing shop.

Summer is always slow and I was just hoping to run a special and help out a few guys. I'll even be so stand up as to say that I am hoping to help myself as well...

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Where Quality Service Outweighs Cheap Prices
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

Proud Member of the NRA
Fighting to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.