I don't know anything about Mike Savoia other than he's a staffer and he makes all these ball videos. I can't understand how he can get those things to roll back up. His shots have flat 10's written all over them. He's got to leave them like crazy, he just has to. The axis tilt combined with that forward roll, yi, looks like a combination for disaster to me. Throws a clean shot though, the ball definitely retains a lot of energy. But man, that's what my shots look like if I dump them, it's a "please come back and don't hit flat" moment. No offense to the guy if he posts here, he sure strikes a lot with that stuff, but am I the only one who wishes he'd get just a little bit more around the ball?
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .