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Author Topic: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale  (Read 5120 times)


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Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:50:59 PM »
Trying to get an unbiased opinion.  Not the "lane 1 haters" nor the "lane 1 only" guys.  People who use multiple brands, and understand that all manufacturer's have their place/person they match up with best.

I've been tempted to try a Lane 1 ball, to see if they are any good, the major problem I've run into is, the 'Perfect Scale' has them rated so low, that I'm afraid they won't even move.  Now I fully understand that the Perfect score is not the end all system, nor is it 100% reliable, but for all the balls I currently own, I've found it to be pretty damn consistent with what I see on the lanes, off my own hand.

I currently throw a Virtual Gravity, Rogue Cell, and AMF Mega Friction.  I bowl on a heavy house shot, and I don't have much hand, and have even less tilt.  No one in my alley throws lane 1, so I haven't seen any of the balls reaction around here.  I'm wondering, can/do the Lane 1 balls compare to the above mentioned balls, when it comes to the ability to handle oil, without a Pro throwing the ball.  Obviously I understand that Lane 1 is a brand that has success for many people on certain conditions.  I'm curious as to your honest opinion about Lane 1 for heavy oil combined with a weak hand.  The only balls from Lane 1 with higher hook ratings are the Agent Orange, with an OOB finish of 500 abralon, which to me, threw up a red flag.  It's already at 500 grit, and still doesn't create the hook a VG does at 4000?  (Again, admiting the perfect scale could be unfair, that's why I'm here asking)  and the other ball is the Dynamo, which doesn't have the same core that seems to have drawn all the attention to Lane 1 in the first place.

So thank you for any input.
Mega Friction 246
Virtual Gravity 272
Twisted Fury 268
The Sauce 255
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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 04:15:52 AM »
Forget the "Perfect Scale". It is marketing blah. It is a number that tells... what? Since does not explain the algorithm or the components of how this number is generated, it must be called useless at best, esp. when comparing balls among each other. You even cannot say how this rating changes when you change a factor like the surface prep. Their number is surely NOT the result of laboratory benchmark tests, just based on technical specs. Better read some reviews and listen to users' experiences to draw conclusions whether a ball fits your needs or style or not. A big number on the Perfect Scale just rises expectations (and sales), but it tells nothing about utility.
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John D Davis

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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 04:42:48 AM »
Adrenaline, I have done some major equipment changes in the past 8-10 Months, and I gave Lane 1 a try for the first time. I feel like maybe the overall products made by lane 1 are not as strong as some of the balls like the VG.

    I can honestly say though, that I drilled 2 Buzzbombs up while throwing a VG and both pin up Buzzbombs were stronger than my Pin up VG. They could also handle a much heavier volume of oil... With this being said, I never got a chance to throw the Agent Orange but did get Guppy Troup in one. I need to get with him and collect his thoughts on the ball and see how it performs against some of the rest in his bag. I realize that Guppy isnt heavy handed so his opinion may help you out in your choice.

    I can also say that I have thrown a few Dynamos, both the origional and x2's, and I dont feel they can handle some of the heavy volumes as good as another choice. I can however, say that they are remarkable balls... They handle all types of medium conditions better than any other ball I have had my hands on. The Hurrican Core was amazing in my hands to say the least. I also am not promoting lane 1 at all but they are making some of the best bowling balls of any manufactory right now. Those Global coverstocks along with that Hurrcane Core and whatever the core the Massacres have in them roll incredible!

    On another side note... Right now I am throwing alot of Hammer balls. I have a couple Jigsaws, Sting, Bite,2-3 Black Widows and so on, and my two Buzzbombs handle more oil than any of those I just mentioned. The Buzzbomb Core is a really good care with the less handed players so I feel like the Agent Orange would be a good choice for you. I will also say, the colors look freakn great on the ball too! Seeing that AO roll down the lane is quiet awsome. Hope this helps, John

Doug Sterner

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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 10:15:24 AM »
I agree with all of the posts here....

The Perfect Scale is just a number devised by to help guide their customers away from certain balls and towards others.

What the bowler needs to examine BEFORE trying a Lane 1 ball in particular is whether or not they have thrown equipment in the past with similar core numbers. And then take that information to a pro shop guy who has seen you bowl AND HAS DRILLED LANE 1 EQUIPMENT IN THE PAST.

There have been many posts on this site debating Lane 1 equipment and drill patterns. This didn't work for this guy and that didn't work for that guy. "I drilled Lane 1's ball X exactly like I had my _______(insert other branded ball here) drilled and it didn't hook 1/2 as much." There are no secrets to drilling Lane 1 balls but I will say that the driller needs to pay more attention to certain parameters that may not be as critical on other brands.

I am considered by most on this site to be a "Lane 1 Fan" but, as a pro shop guy, I drill and throw a lot of different balls. In fact I subbed at a different house last night and the five balls I took were: Dynamo X2, Massacre Red Death, Hammer Burn, 900 Global Lunatic and my Columbia White Dot. I also have a pair of Playmakers, a Psycho, a Blast Zone, a Punisher, G Force Evolution and Nebula, BuzzBomb and a Pioneer. So,  needless to say I have a few other branded weapons in my bag.

So, for what it's worth coming from me, Lane 1 balls are very good. They tend to roll very heavy which tends to be a positive quality on heavier oil.

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 10:35:05 AM »
Ok I used the Red Death tonight in league. If I had been concerned about scoring I would have changed balls in the first game but really wanted to give the RD a good chance. As stated before I am more between stroker and tweener but this ball forced me to go inside. I finally ended up standing right foot on 28 and rolling the ball out over 14. I've never played that line so it was a challenge. As long as I kept the fingers and lift in the ball it destroyed the pins. I made some bad throws but ended up shooting 190, 200. and 210 = 600. We run 39 feet of oil on a typical house shot so there was no way I could swing the ball out to the light oil boards early. This ball wants oil. All in all I couldn't be happier with the results. If you play a house with a lot of oil you WANT this ball. If you don't have a lot of revs you NEED this ball. I talked to Lane #1 today and put my pre-order in for 10. I think the guys around Lakeland, Fl. are going to be very happy.
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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 12:11:19 PM »

I too was looking at trying something different, I was and still do have a roto grip grand illusion, storm sure fire and roto grip venus in my bag.  I hve two lane 1 balls that I have a Chainsaw Massacre definitely not for heavy oil with no hand and a Dynamo (picked up very reasonable used).  I have used the Chainsaw Massacre with success on medium volume short to medium length patterns.  The only pattern I was able to throw the Dynamo on was my summer PBA experience league on the Shark pattern.  The Dynamo may definitely be a possibility for you it will definitely move on a pattern like the Shark unfortunately it does not make it to my regular league as we do not see that heavy a volume of oil.  

Good luck in finding a new ball.



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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 12:27:48 PM »
+1 to everything.

Perfect scale is nothing more than a hoax.  It doesn't do anything for the bowler because it goes primarily on numbers.  And of course, we all know numbers don't equate to reaction/hook down the lane because that deals with the drilling and cover prep.

Ignore the Perfect Scale.  I have too much hand to relate to you, so I would better suggest the comments from John.

I can say that the Doomsday core balls (Buzzbombs, Agent Orange) do favor bowlers with less hand because they are strong, heavy, earlier rolling balls.  So they might do well for you.  And the Original Buzzbomb handles more oil than any other heavy oil ball on the market, less the new Bounty Hunter.
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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 07:43:59 PM »
I use the Liberator and XXXL, and while neither are the hook monsters that other choices are, these 2 offer predictability when the lanes become tough and others are struggling to find a consistant reaction. These 2 are very smooth (duh, becuase of the urethane and plastic covers).



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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2009, 08:35:35 PM »

Most of my Lane #1 gear is suited to medium oil patterns but I do throw a ton of different stuff.

I'll just say that I've never found a Lane #1 ball that *I personally* consider to be a good match for heavy oil. Granted, I have not tried either the BuzzBomb or the Agent Orange, nor have I tried the Dynamo.

However, I have noticed that my medium-level equipment falls a little short of Bowling This Month's total hook scale. If the Perfect Scale ranks Lane #1 balls too low for some people, I've noticed the opposite is true of BTM's overall hook rating. I've seen it across the board. They have, for instance, the Chainsaw rated a certain number and I've thrown plastic balls that outhook that thing. So I would take anyone's proprietary hook rating system with a grain of salt, since the metrics behind it may have nothing to do with your own personal style.

Just from talking to other users, I would think that a bowler in your position might benefit most from the Agent Orange or BuzzBomb rather than the Dynamo, due to the differences in core between those balls (the AO and BuzzBomb both use the Doomsday core, whereas the Dynamo is the Hurricane core) and your limited revs. The primary complaint for the BuzzBomb seems to be from the higher-rev guys who were seeing the ball stand up too quickly and roll out. In fact, I would recommend that ball except for the fact that it has a love it/hate it history around here. The upshot to that is you should be able to pick one up fairly cheap and thus minimize your purchase risk.

I can tell you that I own some other 900Global stuff, in particular the Break S75, and the cover on that ball loves oil. Thus, Lane #1 balls should, in theory, have access to the same aggressiveness of cover.

Again, I have not thrown the Lane #1 balls designed for heavy oil. I rarely see heavy oil, plus I can out-rev a certain amount of oil, so I don't buy many oilers. I am giving you a blind recommendation: I would look for a BuzzBomb on clearance sale, or try the Agent Orange.


Edited on 9/17/2009 8:38 PM


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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2009, 08:46:33 PM »
The "perfect scale" means next to nothing... I believe MoRich is always considered one of the "biggest hooking" companies, and it also has VERY LOW numbers on the scale.


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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2009, 09:09:00 PM »
The perfect scale is a reflection of what the manufacture says it will do.

In other words if the manufacture says it's their newest biggest hooking ball ever, they will give it a scale of 200+, everything else goes south from there.

Example Brunswick Siege Perfect Scale 220 and it probably is,
Brunswick Warp Zone Perfect Scale  195,(which would be 220 on todays scale) actual hook rating of the one my brother bought 20, +/- (-100.)

No matter how big of a dud a ball is the perfect scale will not show it. It basically takes what the manufacture says the ball is and rates it on a scale of 1-250 or maybe to infinity we don't know yet.

If you are considering a certain manufacture I would actually go by what the manufacture says. Email them or call them and tell them about how you throw the ball and what condition you bowl on and see what of their current line they would recommend.

Every company has similar line ups of the biggest hooking ball down to no hook in most cases.

" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 9/17/2009 9:10 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Lane #1 & The Perfect Scale
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2009, 10:19:00 PM »

If you are considering a certain manufacture I would actually go by what the manufacture says. Email them or call them and tell them about how you throw the ball and what condition you bowl on and see what of their current line they would recommend.

Every company has similar line ups of the biggest hooking ball down to no hook in most cases.

" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

Edited on 9/17/2009 9:10 PM

F.O.S. 4 Life baby!

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