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Author Topic: Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl  (Read 635 times)


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Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl
« on: March 09, 2006, 01:04:16 AM »
I have been trying to find a Lane 1 ball to replace my Big Time pearl and Big Time.  This is in no way a slam on Lane 1.  I shot my first 300 with Lane 1 and I think the Tsunami is the best ball on the market.

But I have been trying to fill the gap between the Tsunami and the the Solid Uranium and the EU does fit the bill, but currently its too erratic.

The Big Time pearl drilled the same as the Tsunami is a much stronger ball and handles more oil then the Tsunami.  Much more back end and over all hook.  I tried the Megaton, Hybrid Dirty Bomb, both good balls, but still does not hold up to the Big Time pearl so far as reading the lane over all hook and carry.  This is not a plug for Ebonite.

The on to the Big Time.  Lane 1 does not have a ball to replace the Big Time.  The Big Time fits between the Tsunami/Big Time pearl and the Solid Uranium/XXXcel.  Lane 1 doe not have a ball that is for a heavy medium shot (not heavy)  The Big Time fits very well in front of the Solid Uranium in box condition.  I'm sure you can sand/polish Lane 1 bowling balls like I did to the Tsunami, but Lane 1 does not fill the gap by ball design to fit between the Tsunami and the Solid Uranium and yes I have the Enriched Uranium.

If I were to build an arsenal (and I am)  it would be;

Solid Uranium/XXXcel
Big Time
Big Time pearl
Cobalt (somewhere I hope)
Bullet (is almost a non starter for dry lanes)
White Dot (hope the clear Buzzsaw)

I tried the pearl Carbide Bomb in place of the Big Time pearl but I wound up replacing the pearl Carbide Bomb with the HDB.  I tried to replace the Big Time with the Super Carbide and that is a possibility but the Super carbide is for more oil then the Big Time.  Super Carbide wa Lane 1's oiler before the Super Carbide Bomb, which I have and but never find enough oil to warrant carrying it.  I'm thinking about poilishing the Super Carbide Bomb.

I welocme all input because I would perfer to throw all Lane 1 equipment if I can fill the gap between the Tsunami and the Solid Uranium.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 09:12:52 AM »
I would think to try a Pearl Cherry Bomb and a Black Cherry Bomb, if you can find one.  What weight do you throw?  I have a 16lb. single drill Pearl Cherry Bomb I might be willing to let go...
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*There's only Lane #1; everything else is second rate...
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Re: Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 09:20:20 AM »
I have both the Cherry Bomb and the Black Cherry Bomb.  The Cherry Bomb at last the way I have the ball set up is the longest and strongest back end ball I own I think.  The Black Cherry Bomb I might have drilled incorrectly and I have the pin too high.

But all there bowling balls are reactive with some sort of Powerkoil 18 or other type of Brunswick reactive (Hybrid)that really doesn't match up with oil unless there is a strong back end (dry boards to play off of).

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 12:47:01 PM »
Lane 1 does not have a ball to replace the Big Time. The Big Time fits between the Tsunami/Big Time pearl and the Solid Uranium/XXXcel. Lane 1 doe not have a ball that is for a heavy medium shot (not heavy) The Big Time fits very well in front of the Solid Uranium in box condition. I'm sure you can sand/polish Lane 1 bowling balls like I did to the Tsunami, but Lane 1 does not fill the gap by ball design to fit between the Tsunami and the Solid Uranium and yes I have the Enriched Uranium.

Interesting analysis. I do not have the Big Times', nor do I have the Tsunami. However, I do have the Solid and Enriched Uraniums (as well as other Lane#1 equipment), so I'll try to answer in that context.

I find the Solid Uranium to be a good heavy medium shot ball with the appropriate cover prep. I maintain with a 600 grit finish and Ebonite Matte Finish polish. Regardless of what combination of grit/polish you choose, the reactive cover on the solid EU is very tunable.

A ball you didn't mention that I find extremely valuable is the original pearl Dirty Bomb. The ball is much more aggressive than I thought it would be, even more so than the Hybrid. I'd be surprised if it's weaker than the Big Time Pearl.

The EU is a good ball, but it's not a oiler. The Lane#1 pearl particles (Golden Nugget, EU), tend to really skid in oil, and take off when they find some dry. I've had the most luck with my EU on broken down conditions where it's more of a blended medium dry where I can swing it out.

Anyway, good luck in your search.
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Re: Lane 1 VS the Big Time and Big Time Pearl
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 12:51:16 PM »
Nicanor, in my opinion you are correct about having gaps in the lane one line up. I am an avid lane one user, but I have been asking for a strong polished solid resin(not hybrid) with a new asymmetric core. In my opinion there is too much of a gap right now between heavy oil & med to light. We need something good for medium oily to oily without going to a dull particle. Again, this is no slam on lane one, but they just have too many balls for med to drier & not enough for true oily conditions. (Not speaking of floods) Also, I think you are correct about their current line not being able to handle carry down. Maybe if enough users go to their site & request a aggressive polished solid resin oil ball, they may decide to make one.
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