After lengthy discussion on layouts. I decided to go with my gut feeling on this one and do it with the RICO.
I am LH and have a soft handed release with good revs and medium speed.
Ball Specs
Top 3 oz
Pin 3"
AMF synthetics THS 40 ft. Unfortunately the area in which I bowl in has no oil. I would have to drive at least 30 minutes to try this ball on real oil. So THS will have to do.
I pretty much knew this ball would have no chance on this shot but i had to try it a few balls anyway just to see. It hooks a ton but way too much for me. I threw it side by side with my original box SCB just to see since everyone wanted to know and yes it outhooks the mother of all oil balls. So if you need an out of box hook beast this is for you.
For me I need polish and alot. I took it up to 4000 abralon shined to glass. The ball was awesome now for the shot I was bowling on. Had surprising length with great midlane read and the backend was extremely strong to my surprise. This is might be the best ball I have ever thrown, and I have thrown tons. The RICO drill was the perfect match for what I needed for this area that I bowl in. I end up sliding about 30 and getting it out to about 5-7 and this ball never quits hitting. You want the magic ball this is it. It has midlane read, revs easy off the hand, but still has great length and backend. It kinda reminded me of a better BCB first batch when they came out. but stronger, easier to read, and more backend. I would hate to see what this ball does with a stronger drilling on it as I chose a weaker drilling since it suited me.
There will be some huge scores with this ball in no time once they are released to the public.
178 shipped will get you one let me know if interested.