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Author Topic: Lane1 Reaction problems need help  (Read 724 times)


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Lane1 Reaction problems need help
« on: December 26, 2005, 02:08:00 PM »
recently I purchased three single drills hybrid dirty bombs two of which are layed out label, and the other layed out pin above fingers right above bridge about 1/2 inch and cg and mb swung about 3/4 of an inch right it had a vary nice roll to it gave this ball to my daughter and she is scoring really well with it averaging about 190s but the two that is layed out label dont seem to want to hook much

first one is layed out label leverage with pin above and slightly right of ring finger cg in palm and slightly left of gripline it had 7/8 ounce of negative side weight and 7/8 ounce of finger weight and had been sanded to 320 surface the ball was flaring about half the circumference of the ball but was only moving about 2-3 boards I had it resurfaced at pro shop they wet sanded back to 1000 and  drilled fingers deeper to take finger weight out ending result was 1/8-1/4 ounce of finger weight and negative side weight did not change this changed the reaction from 2-3 board break to about 25-30 boards of break problem fixed on this one this was done at the suggestion of lane1 themselves after calling them on the phone

Second one was layed out similiar to first one Label except pin was wright next to ring finger and cg was in palm and on grip line this ball was reacting as the first but with a few more boards of movement but not alot took it to proshop and had finger weight removed and wet sanded to 1000 no polish this did not help this ball. This ball also seems to be flaring about 8-9 inches but yet not hooking

my question is the label layout just not a good layout for the HDB I want this  ball to hook on medheavy shots and it just will not do it it will not hook on dry either.thanks for any assistance in addvance.
Don Smith

Edited on 12/26/2005 11:01 PM



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Re: Lane1 Reaction problems need help
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2005, 10:34:49 PM »
i drilled my dirty bomb label and it worked great...then i got the hybrid and drilled it label too, and the reaction was very different...went too long for me..i drilled another hybrid with pin under and cg out, and what a difference,,,strong to the pocket..i would suggest you keep the pin below the bridge and see how you get on....
Shake a leg boy, but don't bend the knee!

Rab C Nesbitt


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Re: Lane1 Reaction problems need help
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2005, 12:42:01 AM »
Don Smith