Mezz, do you see some special high tech cores in the 2 balls you've mentioned by Storm..? I think not. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even consider them cores.
One has a knob at the bottom of a round ball. What's that, an upside down lightbulb that's been around since the beginning of time..? The other has a small nugget in the center of a 3-piece ball. Talking about raping the bowlers who buy into the hype. You've just got taken.
At least Lane #1 has had physics studies done, giving you hard data to substantiate their claims. That's more than I can see from most of the other companies.
You can say what you want, but you spend plenty of time here in the Lane #1 forum, so you must like Lane #1. If not, you're spending way too much time giving off negative energy. It's not good for your health. =:^D