Well I finally did it! I threw a 300 with a buzzsaw. I managed it with my, always reliable, Enriched Uranium. It came in my 5th game tonight, double header for a league make up. It's funny because when I started the night I wasn't feeling right and came out with a 178 (hrg)then a 204(hrg) and 234 (EU). In my second set I came out with 10 strikes with 2 opens 232(EU), I just can't seem to have a clean game anymore. Then 300 and 206 for a 738 for my last 3 and a 1354 total. I had almost given up throwing this ball because there never seemed to be enough head oil to keep it from leaving weak 7 pins (lefty) I would try all angles and adjustments but couldn't get it. Tonight tho, all 12 were in the pocket, not all were buried tho. I kept moving left or right depending on the lane to get the same reaction. I am just so excited that I finally got to this step after switching, pretty much exclusively, to lane #1 almost 2 yrs ago. Thank You Lane #1 and thank you Doug Sterner, definately a great product and a great fitting/drilling ta boot.
Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.
10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily and 02/01/07 Meghan Alexis, Daddy's little girls!
R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!
Tommy the Fish
F.O.S Mafia Soldier You throw balls, we throw BOMBS. No wonder you hate us
Enriched x2
Solid Uranium
Solid Cobalt Bomb
Cobalt Bomb