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Author Topic: Massacre Problems  (Read 5306 times)

Doug Sterner

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Massacre Problems
« on: December 12, 2009, 11:45:57 AM »
Has anyone else drilled a Massacre and not exactly gotten the reaction out of it you had expected?

I drilled one up close to a stacked drill and it didn't  have the big snap on the backend like I had expected. So I asked Lane 1  and they told me the Massacore balls acted differently. So I drilled my Red Death and my Bluer Death differently (out of the box thinking as they say) and have been very happy.

So I pulled the Massacre out and redrilled it with pin closer to PAP, low hole and tried it out. Well, the ball isn't doing what I wanted it to now either.

Anybody else been less than impressed with their Massacre?
Doug Sterner
Doug''s Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 09:54:05 PM »
I didn't end up talking to CHuck but rather Richie himself about the problem and he brought up something that I had not considered.

The Massacore balls have a tendency to be very rolly and even and arcy when drilled with a pin closer to PAP than the CG layout. Then on top of that I put the weighthole almost in a double thumb position.

So I put the pin at 2" off the PAP (low flaring position), initial angle of 80* (rolls up late) and then a VAL angle of 25* (quick reaction to the dry). Then I added a hole in the thumb quadrant to "eliminate" thumb weight and some sideweight.

well I ended up with almost an ounce of fingerweight, 3/4 side weight, low flaring pin position, initial angle giving me lots of other words everythign there screams long, long, long....I don't think the ball ever got to the point where it would flip. Add to the weak pin position the lack of ending top weight in the ball and I think I have my answer.

For those of you who are subscribing to the "statics don't matter" camp I am plugging the weighthole (which is in an aggressive position...approx 6" from the pin) andn am going to relocate it more around the bottom of the ball. This will still remove the necessary weights to make USBC happy and possibly preserve top weight in the ball.

If the new position of the hole gives me the reaction I want I guess I'll have to report it as a confirmed "statics matter" experiment.

I will report back Thursday after league....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2009, 11:25:00 PM »
Well guys I plugged the weighthole and redrilled it.

Without the hole in the ball it had the following statics:

Gross wt: 14# 15 oz
Side wt: 1-5/8 oz
Finger wt: 5/8 oz
Top wt: 1/4 oz

So all I needed to do was put the hole in the ball to get rid of the excess side weight and all is good.

After speaking with Richie at Lane 1 I decided to put the hole on the midline 9" from my grip center. This will remove the needed side weight but will also help preserve what little top wt remains.

So I addded a 3/4 x 2" hole. This brought the statics to the following numbers:

Gross wt: 14# 14 oz
Side wt: 3/4 oz
Finger wt: 5/8 oz
Top wt: 3/8 oz

To test the ball I took it out on a similar shot to what I had before. Well, all I can say is, this made a huge difference. The ball now projects down the lane very well but now has a very pronounced move on the backend. Once the ball changes direction it flattens out and rolls into the pocket. I threw 6 or 7 shots with the ball and left 5 or 6 9 counts. So the ball is working much better than it did before but still not optimal.

So there we have it....I hate to bash the naysayers but the proof is in the pudding boys...statics matter. The new weighthole is smaller and in a less aggressive position than the original hole and yet the new hole position generates a much stronger ball reaction. The P-3 positioned hole SHOULD have created more differential and therefore more hook but it did not.

I need to play around a bit more with the surface to get it just right but I think the ball is going to fit in where I want it to now....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2009, 02:06:36 PM »
Doug,thanks for the input and ALL the testing and time you put into this ball!  I, like the others drilled this ball with a stacked layout, an got no positive reaction.  I played with the surface and after about a month, I gave up and went right back to the Cherry Pearl C2.  The Massacre has been gathering dust for nearly 7 months now.  I wish I could sell it but Lane 1 seems to have gone the way of the $2 bill in this area as no one cares to use them anymore.  With the economy sinking the way it is, I don't have the money nor the patience to keep buying balls on the "hope" they perform.  I don't know what the opinion on the Red Death is, but the last 3 balls (Buzzbomb, Dynamo, and Massacre) have been a huge waste of money!  I am definitely not bashing but the progression of the Diamond core is going in reverse in terms of performance.  Maybe they should take a page from some of the other companies and try some of the older cores in the newer covers.  Just my 2 cents worth!

Doug Sterner

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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2009, 06:48:40 PM »
Well sawman what I can tell you is that the Dynamo did me no favors...although i may have given up on it too quickly.

The BuzzBomb is the thing legends are made of in my hands. The problem many had with the BuzzBomb is that it's an aggressive cover wrapped around an aggressive core and what many people did was drill it too aggressively.

My ball started with 4-3/4 top wt and I drilled it 5x4 with the pin over the ring and the ball is an absolute beast.

I now have a grasp on the Massacre, I just need to get some games on the ball and get the coverstock where I want it.

The Massacore is a great Red and Blue Deaths are just awesome balls.

The best core Lane 1 has had out recently though (in my opinion) is the WAS core from the G Force line....a close 2nd is the SuperNova core.

Again, just my opinion.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2009, 09:11:00 PM »
Opinion taken Doug.  I still have hope on the Buzzbomb.  I have mine drilled stack and maybe I need to try a re-drill on it.  I added polish and that didn''t help.  I will take it to 4000 first to see if that helps retain some energy on it.  Thanks for the suggestions on both.  Since I have no takers on the massacre maybe I''ll play with the drilling on it also!

Edited on 12/19/2009 10:12 PM


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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2009, 09:38:57 AM »
yes very helpful thread Doug TY


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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2009, 09:51:57 AM »
I just bought one from a buddy, its drilled label. I will plug it and drill it again. CG out for me, I dont think stacked will work for me with this ball. I also have a Red Death, and love it. Pin is up about 2-1/2", and cg out. It is 95% a Tommy Jones drilling. It is awesome. I may just let the driller do what he feels, he hasn't done me wrong yet!

Doug Sterner

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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2009, 05:44:09 PM »
I got to use the ball Wednesday night on a synthetic shot. I started with my pin under ring Lunatic and then tried to swap out to my pin under bridge Blue Death but that didn't work. So I went right to the Massacre.

Once I got it thru my head that this ball was not going to be a stand left, throw the ball right and let the ball come back left type of ball I was locked in. I had to tighten everything up and the ball reacted exactly the way I wanted it to. It gets long, makes it's move and then lays off at the pocket.

I am going to redrill my Red Death a bit more aggressive since the Blue Death fills my medium oil ball slot VERY well.

I can't wait to see if Lane 1 brings out another ball with this core...I think I am starting to find a groove with the Massacore balls.

More testing to follow later.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Zef Olantar

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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2010, 11:44:08 PM »
Well sawman what I can tell you is that the Dynamo did me no favors...although i may have given up on it too quickly.

The BuzzBomb is the thing legends are made of in my hands. The problem many had with the BuzzBomb is that it's an aggressive cover wrapped around an aggressive core and what many people did was drill it too aggressively.

My ball started with 4-3/4 top wt and I drilled it 5x4 with the pin over the ring and the ball is an absolute beast.

I now have a grasp on the Massacre, I just need to get some games on the ball and get the coverstock where I want it.

The Massacore is a great Red and Blue Deaths are just awesome balls.

The best core Lane 1 has had out recently though (in my opinion) is the WAS core from the G Force line....a close 2nd is the SuperNova core.

Again, just my opinion.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Love this quote, Doug!
I couldn't agree more....the WAS core was awesome and everything that has followed I have been "indifferent" with......I sold my BuzzBOMB (like many, the core didn't agree with me), haven't had much success with my Dynamo's (yes, I have two!), Agent Orange and the Massacre just isn't doing it for me.  I do have a high pin (1" above ring finger - with CG kicked out only 1/2" and NO X-hole), but I truly expected it to do more than what it does.  My best reacting SAWS are the ones with the WAS core and the older Brunswick made SAWS like the Enriched Uranium, H2O Tsunami, Black Cherry Bomb, Solid Cobalt and Golden Nugget.  Sure would love to bring back some of those older drill press would be HUMMING and I'd be spending big coin on new carbide drill bits !!!  
"You may not like it now........but you will LEARN to like it!"

George P.
Winnipeg, MB
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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2010, 10:50:28 AM »
Well sawman what I can tell you is that the Dynamo did me no favors...although i may have given up on it too quickly.

The BuzzBomb is the thing legends are made of in my hands. The problem many had with the BuzzBomb is that it's an aggressive cover wrapped around an aggressive core and what many people did was drill it too aggressively.

My ball started with 4-3/4 top wt and I drilled it 5x4 with the pin over the ring and the ball is an absolute beast.

I now have a grasp on the Massacre, I just need to get some games on the ball and get the coverstock where I want it.

The Massacore is a great Red and Blue Deaths are just awesome balls.

The best core Lane 1 has had out recently though (in my opinion) is the WAS core from the G Force line....a close 2nd is the SuperNova core.

Again, just my opinion.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

For Real Time Interactive Bowling Conversation:

Love this quote, Doug!
I couldn't agree more....the WAS core was awesome and everything that has followed I have been "indifferent" with......I sold my BuzzBOMB (like many, the core didn't agree with me), haven't had much success with my Dynamo's (yes, I have two!), Agent Orange and the Massacre just isn't doing it for me.  I do have a high pin (1" above ring finger - with CG kicked out only 1/2" and NO X-hole), but I truly expected it to do more than what it does.  My best reacting SAWS are the ones with the WAS core and the older Brunswick made SAWS like the Enriched Uranium, H2O Tsunami, Black Cherry Bomb, Solid Cobalt and Golden Nugget.  Sure would love to bring back some of those older drill press would be HUMMING and I'd be spending big coin on new carbide drill bits !!!  
"You may not like it now........but you will LEARN to like it!"

George P.
Winnipeg, MB

Just my two cents if you havent tried the Blue or Red deaths yet, you are selling yourself short, I am also one of those that loves the old Big b covered balls, but these two are extremely versitle and make me forget about those older ones  

On edit:  look for something very sexy from lane 1 very very soon


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Doug Sterner

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Re: Massacre Problems
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2010, 12:48:40 PM »
Yes Trigger...the new one coming is going to be one sexy beast.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

For Real Time Interactive Bowling Conversation:

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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