After a two week absence (business travel), I bowled in my PBA Experience league last night. They changed the pattern to Regional Tour Pattern #5, which is the longest of the five regional patterns, measuring 44 feet of oil. And because the lane surfaces at this house are older and patterns break down quickly, they compensate by initially putting down a little more volume.
As normal for this pattern, there was a serious out-of-bounds to the right; bellying the ball around the 10 board was not an option for anyone or any ball.
Anyway, this was my second opportunity to use the BuzzBomb (BB) on a non-THS condition, so I was happy to be able to test the BB out on a true heavier pattern -- the world that this ball in OOB condition is designed for.
Most bowlers were staying deeper to avoid the out-of bounds, but with the BB, I was able to play a tighter shot further to the right and still get the ball into a heavy roll with controllable recovery. The ball wasn't hooking a ton, but nothing was. There was an infamous EPX T1 on my second pair, and even though that bowler had more hand than me, he was not getting any more movement/reaction trying to throw roughly the same line. If anything, he was struggling a little more.
As for results, I went 256-194-216-244 for a 225 average, which I believe was high for the night. Certainly not THS telephone scores but respectable given the condition. The ball performs as advertised and is an excellent piece for heavier conditions. The beauty of the ball is that it's also cover modification friendly if you want to use it on mediums. If you need a ball that can truly handle heavier volumes even if you're a little on the rev challenged side, the BB is an excellent choice to consider.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"