to all you Lane #1 loyalists who would defend them to the grave i say this:
before I'd thrown a lane 1 i'd written them off as overpriced brunswicks with very little technology...a diamond? how great could it be?
now that i've thrown the Black Cherry Bomb for a while I understand why loyalists like you defend them so much. i've had people comment about how hard it hits, how loud it sounds, even on spares. that's never happened before. the carry is excellent, and as far as i can tell, very versatile coverstock.
my conclusion is this, would i pay 40-ish more dollars for one? yes. more importantly, can i afford to pay 40-ish more? no lol. this may be my last Lane #1 but i wanted to be the first to apologize for my narrow minded thinking.
Lane #1 makes a great product, and if anyone would like to donate any buzzsaws to me, feel free to message me for my address. lol.