Thank you for the response. I'm sure its in the surface prep or the release. The pin on the Cell is above the ring finger and the pin on the Buzzbomb is below the ring finger.
This is not intended to be a negative post for the Buzzbomb, but just a post to see if there is something that will help me use this ball. Maybe taking the Buzzbomb up to 4000 Ablaron? using the brunswick Rough Buff?
The Cell read the break point better. e have professional bowlers in our league and at least one of them didn't break 500 and none of the others broke 600. The shot was that tough. Just too much oil and long. Using the Cell I was standing 14 playing down 5 pointing the ball and the ball went straight and at the last second hooked into the pocket. Made the shot, I had a good look into the pocket, but the Buzzbomb did not even give me that look. I thought I would get some sort of reaction off the break point, but I got zero. I understand about rolling out buring up, but you would see some reaction somewhere on the lane I would think.
I'll continue to work with it. I have the Cell, Levrg, Buzzbomb and now the Bite (Bite not going to be an oiler if for no other reason the drilling) and will work with all of them. I thought with all the hype of the Buzzbomb that I would throw the ball and it would take out the 7 pin, not the 3 pin (right handed) I thought that when I read that the Buzzbomb could/would hook the house that with that drilling I could stand left and throw right and have a strong reaction to the pocket, but I don't even see a resembelence of that.
But I'll try again tomorrow.
Thanks again.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)