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Author Topic: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb  (Read 1308 times)


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My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« on: February 20, 2008, 08:19:13 AM »
And thats only because they both go staright in oil.

Had the Buzzbomb to be my heavy oiler, medium heavy is the Cell. Bought the Buzzbomb to handle the heavy oil we get every other week at our bowling center.  One week short oil flying back end, next week long heavy flat oil.

So twice now I've tried the Buzzbomb on this condition with absolutely no luck.  Skid all the way to the 3 pin.  Change to my Cell and I get a really good look at the pocket.  Mind you that everyone is pointing the ball and with very little luck.  But I keep telling myself I paid how much for this ball????  and just for this kind of shot.  Its a zero.  Other equipmnt skidded also with the exception of the Cell so it wasn't short oil and the ball wasn't rolling out or burning up.  It just did not handle the shot that everyone says its playing great on.

I'll work with the surface.  Any suggstions would greatly be apreciated.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 04:21:31 PM »
what is the layout on your buzzbomb? that may be the problem.


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 04:23:24 PM »
Did Sakae sell you this ball??? If yes write him with what's going on, if not ask him his advice he will tell you even the ball came from somewhere else.

I do not think rough buff is going to help you out with this much oil, maybe going to 500 or even 360 would work well with maybe a low weight hole.


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 07:46:22 PM »
Sakae (K&K) drilled the ball for me and the layout looks right for a heavier oil pattern.  The pin is below the finger line about 1/2 the pin to the right of the ring finger, 1/2 of the pin under the ring finger and the pin is 3" and if the MB was marked, the MB would be about 2 1/2 inches right of the thumb.  My PAP is close to 5 and 1/8th up.

But why was the Cell reading the lane better and both the Cell and the Buzzbomb were in box condition?


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 07:58:21 PM »
With that layout thay would put the pin around 4.75 to 5" from PAP.

How long is the pattern. with the longer pin and lower position it may be pushing past the breakpoint not giving it enough time to react. as lower pind tend not to read the dry boards as well.

If the cell has a closer Pin to PAP with a slightly higher position just above the finger line it may have enough time to read the dry boards to create a reaction.

Without actually seeing you throw the ball and how they are drilled it is hard to tell what is happening with the reaction.

As far as surface goes try and bring it down to 800 grit and if that doesn't get it to read the lane enough. try bringing it up to say 1200 or 1500(sounds odd but it may move the breakpoint into the drier boards.)

Good Luck
Jason K
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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 07:58:41 PM »
IIRC, the Cell is a lower grit (more dull) OOB than the Buzzbomb.
I would try 400-600 grit on your BB and go from there.
Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 08:03:38 PM »
Sakae (K&K) drilled the ball for me and the layout looks right for a heavier oil pattern.  The pin is below the finger line about 1/2 the pin to the right of the ring finger, 1/2 of the pin under the ring finger and the pin is 3" and if the MB was marked, the MB would be about 2 1/2 inches right of the thumb.  My PAP is close to 5 and 1/8th up.

But why was the Cell reading the lane better and both the Cell and the Buzzbomb were in box condition?


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

(according to the new BTM issue the BB is a notch stronger in handling oil than the Cell, or if you like, the BB, with its stock surface, cannot handle medium oil patterns)
the BB seems to require more oil than the Cell to retain energy and that drlling is SUPER-strong, I guess that although it was fresh and enough for the Cell, it was not enough for the BB.

If you want to use it, and prove my guess was correct, try sanding the BB' stock surface of 1000 grit, down to 2000 grit or maybe even 4000 grit and try it on that same oil pattern again.

You can also add a small amount of polish. I wouldn;t really gloss it up; you may skip over the finish you need. That's why finer sanding is often a better choice than polish to get more length and retain energy.

Good luck.
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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 09:12:05 PM »
Thank you for the response.  I'm sure its in the surface prep or the release.  The pin on the Cell is above the ring finger and the pin on the Buzzbomb is below the ring finger.

This is not intended to be a negative post for the Buzzbomb, but just a post to see if there is something that will help me use this ball.  Maybe taking the Buzzbomb up to 4000 Ablaron?  using the brunswick Rough Buff?

The Cell read the break point better.  e have professional bowlers in our league and at least one of them didn't break 500 and none of the others broke 600.  The shot was that tough.  Just too much oil and long.  Using the Cell I was standing 14 playing down 5 pointing the ball and the ball went straight and at the last second hooked into the pocket.  Made the shot, I had a good look into the pocket,  but the Buzzbomb did not even give me that look.  I thought I would get some sort of reaction off the break point, but I got zero.  I understand about rolling out buring up, but you would see some reaction somewhere on the lane I would think.

I'll continue to work with it.  I have the Cell, Levrg, Buzzbomb and now the Bite (Bite not going to be an oiler if for no other reason the drilling) and will work with all of them.  I thought with all the hype of the Buzzbomb that I would throw the ball and it would take out the 7 pin, not the 3 pin (right handed)  I thought that when I read that the Buzzbomb could/would hook the house that with that drilling I could stand left and throw right and have a strong reaction to the pocket, but I don't even see a resembelence of that.

But I'll try again tomorrow.

Thanks again.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 09:41:49 PM »
Thank you for the response.  I'm sure its in the surface prep or the release.  The pin on the Cell is above the ring finger and the pin on the Buzzbomb is below the ring finger.

That would make the BB hook even sooner and make the difference between them even greater.


This is not intended to be a negative post for the Buzzbomb, but just a post to see if there is something that will help me use this ball.  Maybe taking the Buzzbomb up to 4000 Ablaron?  using the brunswick Rough Buff?

Sorry, I thought I suggested that. Try the 4000 grit (or even 2000 grit) first, before trying any polishing compound.


The Cell read the break point better.  e have professional bowlers in our league and at least one of them didn't break 500 and none of the others broke 600.  The shot was that tough.  Just too much oil and long.  Using the Cell I was standing 14 playing down 5 pointing the ball and the ball went straight and at the last second hooked into the pocket.  Made the shot, I had a good look into the pocket,  but the Buzzbomb did not even give me that look.  I thought I would get some sort of reaction off the break point, but I got zero.  I understand about rolling out buring up, but you would see some reaction somewhere on the lane I would think.

Hard to say, unless someone else with a similar release was also using a BB.


I'll continue to work with it.  I have the Cell, Levrg, Buzzbomb and now the Bite (Bite not going to be an oiler if for no other reason the drilling) and will work with all of them.  I thought with all the hype of the Buzzbomb that I would throw the ball and it would take out the 7 pin, not the 3 pin (right handed)  I thought that when I read that the Buzzbomb could/would hook the house that with that drilling I could stand left and throw right and have a strong reaction to the pocket, but I don't even see a resembelence of that.

But I'll try again tomorrow.
Thanks again.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

That's a lot of similar balls. Intentionally?
Yes, the Bite is drilled differently. I had a LevRG; it was for me like (I think) the BB is for you, just too strong and too early (but it did hook). I tried 2000 grit and 4000 grit on the LevRG. The finer finish got more length and more overall hook. It was more usable on lighter (not light) oil.

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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2008, 12:55:49 AM »
Nicanor your experience sounds almost identical to mine with the Buzzbomb.  I have yet to change the finish (don't have a spinner) but I am going to compare the Bite and the Buzzbomb at the same finish (4000 Abralon) once I can get to the proshop.

I thought the label drill I put on my Buzzbomb would help the ball to get down lane and store enough energy to backend at least a little.  The reaction I am getting right now with the 1000 grit OOB finish is too early to play straighter, yet not enough recovery if I try even a small swing.  WAY too touchy to get to the pocket on a simple X-mas tree pattern, especially when the Bite gives me seemingly endless area from which to strike.

I have a strong feeling that once I change the surface, I'll see some more ability to swing the ball, though it is going to be a tall order to keep up with my Bite.

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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2008, 07:32:16 AM »
Charlest and others.  Thank you for the comments.

So far as having similar bowling balls, Levrg, Cell, Buzzbomb and now the Bite (which won't work because of drilling/surface prep) is to find a heavy oil ball.  I lie the Cll too much for medium heavy.

This is what I pictured;

Go to the lanes with six bowling balls including a spare ball.  In my two ball bag is the Buzzbomb and the Hornet.  Hardly ever having to use these balls I run into a condition like I did Tuesday night and I say great, I go to my special bag and pull out my heavy oil ball and off I go. On the flip side, if there is short oil or light oil and my Cell, Shift, Bite or Complete NV, Wrath Dead Flush (don't know what three yet plus thge Storm Ice) is too strong then back to the bag for the Hornet.

That did not work for me.  I went to the special bag to pull out the oi ball and it skidded like I was throwing the Ice.  

So maybe you can see what I was looking for and why I was dissappointed when I thought I had a chance to use the Buzzbomb.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 10:17:00 AM »
Charlest and others.  Thank you for the comments.


So maybe you can see what I was looking for and why I was dissappointed when I thought I had a chance to use the Buzzbomb.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

I understand. I was just trying to help get you to try some alternatives and explaining why I thought some of what you were trying was not working. I get your picture. I'd be disappointed also. My first inclination is to try a non-workign ball on another oil pattern or lane surface; then I start modifying the surface, in several ways. SOmetimes that mystery ball works; soemtimes it doesn't work; sometimes it works in way you don't need. Sometimes, even I give up on one drill and sell it. If I get interested or feel I must pursue it, I re-drill it and then try more surfaces.

Still, good luck.

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Re: My Ice Storm hooks as much as the Buzzbomb
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2008, 10:45:59 AM »
Is there a weight hole??? If no contact Sakae and see where he says to place it, i have this ball pin up and it needs alot of oil to even work right. Even with the rough buff it needs a minimum of medium-heavy to be used, it flips harder with the rough buff like it should and the flare rings are still very wide.

Total flare is at least 6 inches so it lost nothing with the finer surface being used.