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Author Topic: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball  (Read 942 times)


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Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:45:15 AM »
I won my Cobalt Bomb through a raffle and decided to go with a 15# to see if it was better. I ended up going 1/8th pitch out on the thumbhole to see if it would help alleviate my callus.

Turns out, the ball came off my hand awkwardly so I never used it for the 2 months I had it.

A week ago I had the slug replaced and put back to my normal 1/8th pitch in, and the ball is just awesome. I no longer have pain in my thumb. It rolls beautifully and kills the rack.

With a Magic Carpet in, and a pound lighter, I found that I don't have to have the ball snug on my thumb like I do with my 16# Elite P43. The P43 has been tearing my thumb up bad, and I can't get a 15# P43.

Here's my dilema: The Cobalt Bomb is just too much ball for fresh league shots (on AMF guardian lanes, synthetics at the next house in my city, this ball is great). It hooks too much. I can swing it out and give it room, but that's not my preffered line. Though with carry down and higher volumes of oil, this ball is awesome. It's great to have it in my arsenal.

What I need, is a less agressive ball for league play, and I want to stick with Lane #1.

Is the Cobalt Solid more smooth arcing with less overall hook? Or maybe the new HRG Uranium? I don't want a ball that has a skid/snap or hockey stick shape. My Elite P43 is easy to control with a nice smooth arc to it down the lane. I want to find a Lane #1 ball that rolls similarly.


Elite P43 - 16#
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb - 15#
Track Machine 15#

Edited on 10/17/2006 8:38 AM



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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 09:15:32 AM »
7, you want to use a solid cover ball to smooth out the backend reaction on the fresh. The Solid Cobalt will do that as well as a Tsunami. If you like the hook shape of the Cobalt pearl, then I would go with the Solid Cobalt. It's perfect for the fresh.

If you want an earlier arc shape, then go with the Tsunami. =:^D

Edited on 10/17/2006 9:08 AM


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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 10:19:00 AM »
Thanks T-GOD. Think I'm going to give the Solid a shot.
Elite P43 - 16#
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb - 15#
Track Machine 15#

Saw Mill

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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 06:00:26 PM »
I will tell you what I did; I ordered a second Cobalt, and drilled it with the pin above the middle finger, CG slighty kicked right.  With my speed, I do not nbeed any polish, BUT if this layout was still too much (which I find hard to believe) you can fine grit sand and polish.  I loverd my Cobalt so much, that I wanted a ball for even lighter stuff, and frilled it for max length.  Just my dollar and 3.80 advice.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 09:57:05 AM »
The Solid Cobalt is a good ball, but it may be stronger than you expect. If the Pearl Cobalt is too much ball for your conditions, I would go with a Tsunami.
Jon (in Ohio)
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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2006, 07:15:29 AM »
Hate to dig this topic up, but I've since bought the Solid and Tsunami for my arsenal and wanted to post results.

nova was pretty much right, the Solid is a beast. The Pearl, now that it has alot of games on it, seems broken in. It's very smooth on a fresh shot. Doesn't do well in carry down like it did when it was new. The Solid seems to play in anything I've come across.

The Solid forced me to change to a more inside line, but it just destroys the rack. Incredible ball. Recovers nice from most wide shots, and carries the 7 on very light hits as well. I can't say enough about the Solid. It hits harder than anything I've thrown. Left a solid 9 with too much angle yesterday, and I couldn't tell you which pin bounced across the deck and slapped it down, they were moving so fast.

The Tsunami needs some games on it I think. It has a quick snap when it's near the pins (the type where you're shooting a single pin spare and just as it's about to hit the pin, it goes right past it sharply), but I can see how its smooth arc will play out once it's broken in. I can actually swing this ball out really wide and have it come back right now, but the surface is still so tacky I could almost palm the ball into the air like Shaq picks up a basketball.

Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. The Solid turned out to be a gem and I know the Tsunami will be great once I break it in.

Cobalt Bomb Solid
Cobalt Bomb Pearl
Tsunami H2O



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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2006, 07:46:07 AM »
Glad you are having success.
Today's game is all about matching up. You can get to the pocket with anything, but carry can be a nightmare with the wrong ball choice! Get a few more games on that Tsunami and it will settle down a little.
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.


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Re: Need Advice on a 2nd Ball
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2006, 04:50:41 PM »
I'd o with the Tsunami if your lookin for a much smoother arc...