Visionary's Blue Green Centaur!!!! A dry lane, solid reactive, controll ball. Or if you can find one try a Slate Blue Gargoyle.
If not try an xxxl, power groove.
How much oil is there on the outside of the lane? When you said down the 8-10 board I am assuming you are talking straight down the 8 or 10 board without swinging it? Have you tried your Vertigo with a small 10-5 swing, keeping your speed slow? What happens when you do this. Personally I would try a solid reactive or particle pearl. I love my Enriched Uranium and Supernova when my reactive pearls are over/under but my solid reactives are hitting weak. It might not be worth anything but that's my 2 cents
Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.
10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily and 02/01/07 Meghan Alexis, Daddy's little girls!
R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!
Visionary Test Staff Member 07/08
Frankie May Gryphon
Immortal Pearl
Ogre Pearl
B/G Centaur