Thanks for the info! I'll definitly be getting one. I hope it's a heavy hitter! I've been throwing a old Triton Heat by Track ever since that ball came out. And it's working wonderfully for me. The only problem is that the ball had developed some cracks all around the thumb slug. And it's just about FUBAR. I've talked to alot of guys on my league and the pro shop owner at my lanes and they've all said it's a lost cause.
Anyway, one last question, i've been out of bowling for a while...but have gotten back into it since leagues started this past fall. I used to carry about a 210 average, but since i stopped bowling competitivly my average has fallen off. It's taken me just now to get back into the swing of things. My average is now 190 and it's climbing. The past 6 weeks i've been averaging around 216. my question, might the Hybrid Dirty Bomb be a good ball for a guy like me? And if not anyone have any suggestions for a good ball? Since i've been out of the loop for a while i'm not sure whats good and whats not? I've done alot of research on the hyrbid dirty bomb and lane one products, and am very interested in the ball. Any feed back would be greatly appricated. Thanks guys!