After talking with the USBC directors, we have agreed to terms on the Super Carbide Bomb. Below is what transpired...
As per your request, all polished Super Carbide Bombs in our warehouse will be returned to it's original state. Furthermore, I will issue a statement on our website, re-calling all factory polished Super Carbide Bombs.
As per your conversation, it is agreed that the USBC will take the Polished Super Carbide Bomb off the "non-approved ball" ball list.
It is also agreed that you will provide me with paperwork, or thru an e-mail, stating that pro shops can polish and sell Super Carbide Bombs. Thank you.
Richie Sposato
Lane #1
I am in receipt of your intentions. Thank you for your cooperation. USBC will remove the Polished Super Carbide Bomb from the non-conforming list. The original Super Carbide Bomb will remain on the approved list.
The ability of a pro-shop or bowler to drill, polish, sand, etc. is a right they have of any approved ball. Any ball that has come off the manufacturing line (at any point, even after re-call) with the original dull surface is considered an approved ball - and therefore, can be polished, sanded, etc.
USBC Technical Director