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Author Topic: Need Redrilling Advice For Carbide Bomb  (Read 900 times)


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Need Redrilling Advice For Carbide Bomb
« on: October 25, 2003, 08:35:00 PM »
Hi guys and gals,

I bought a used Carbide Bomb (the "army green" one) several months ago.  It had a 3 1/4" pin, and was drilled with the pin under and slightly right of the ring finger, and the cg pretty much stacked below.  The original owner's span is 4 5/8" cut-to-cut, which placed the cg 1 1/2" northeast of the thumbhole.  My span is (average for both fingers) 4" cut-to-cut, so obviously, I need to plug something and redrill it.

The problem is that there's a crack around the ring finger, running through the upper edge of the pin, so I don't want to mess with the ring finger.

I'm considering two options:

1) Just plug the thumbhole and move it north by 7/8" to adjust for my span.  This would place the cg 1" directly east from the top edge of the thumbhole;

2) Plug both the middle finger and the thumbhole, and swing the ball slightly clockwise, so the middle finger is now slightly south of where it was, and the thumbhole is northeast of its current location.  This would swing the cg to the left with respect to the pin, and (because the pin is still below the ring finger) place the MB, not in the track, but about 2" below the track. What effect would placing the MB in that position have?

Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated!
Cogito ergo bowl



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Re: Need Redrilling Advice For Carbide Bomb
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2003, 11:11:21 AM »
if u swing the cg in teh ball will go longer.why do you not plug fingers and thumb and start again.i have two of these balls and the following drillings work well....label 1.30 and 3 3/8 x 3 3/8....both finish strong with the label going longer...


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Re: Need Redrilling Advice For Carbide Bomb
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2003, 01:34:09 PM »
Ummmmm... yeah!  Why didn't I think of that?

Actually, there was a reason, but at the moment, it escapes me.

If I plug all three holes, then I can move the pin, crack and all, above the  fingers.  Sounds like the way to go.  Anyone see anything wrong with that idea?

I'd still like to know what placing the MB that far beneath the track might do to the reaction.  Anyone know?

Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Need Redrilling Advice For Carbide Bomb
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2003, 04:32:56 PM »
i have two of the original green bombs, one stacked leverage drilling and the other has the pin 1.5" - 2" from my PAP and the label in my palm.  i prefer the latter drilling, and have had several excellent games with it on over/under type conditions.  a very good recovery when i play across 3rd arrow and out to the 6 - 8 board.  the key for this drilling for me was to slightly reduce my speed for more consistency.  hope this info helps.
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