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Author Topic: NEW!!G-Force  (Read 6640 times)


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« on: December 27, 2006, 07:41:28 AM »
take a look to the new monster from lane 1 this ball will be great.......icant wait to see mikes video or much better richard huryn videos....well ill preorder this ball as soos as possible

Edited on 12/27/2006 5:09 PM
UIA B.B.A Staff
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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2006, 09:19:51 PM »
I do not know how to explain it, BUT Chuck said it is BOTH.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2006, 12:00:23 AM »
heh, I love how people bash Lane #1 when they don't even throw the product.

The G-Force will be one hell of a ball in my opinion.
ÈĻ Arsenèl - Formerly known as lane1what
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- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2006, 12:12:21 AM »
The Core looks like a blem of a 1st quality diamond core.  LOL.  Unique to say the least.
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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2006, 12:13:55 AM »
and the BLUEBERRY AND SUPER CARBIDE AND THE SUPER CARBIDE BOMBS are great than any other ball LOL!!!! LANE 1 !!!LANE 1!!!! lane 1 !!! WWOOOOOOHHHHOOOO!!!
UIA B.B.A Staff
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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2006, 09:40:21 AM »
*sigh* By definition, something cannot be both symmetrical and asymmetrical at the same time.

  *sigh*.... there are quite a few branches of physics that would not agree.
(chaos theory, cosmology (symmetry breaking)...etc.

But, for the sake of a simpler model.

Yes, something can be both.

A solid sphere with a density gradient would be both symmetric and asymmetric
at the same time. A perfect geometric solid - symmetric - with an asymmetric
mass distribution.

There ARE ways to be both. You just need to think in levels.

Anyhoo... looks interesting to say the least.

I'll wait for some reviews. Unless lane#1 wants me to be a ball tester?

Dr. Joe

Dr. Joseph Howard
Joe's Physics Page    

"Imagine what you could do,
if you could do what you imagine"

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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2006, 10:18:57 AM »

God, I swear somebody in the Lane #1 forum would argue against 1+1=2 if only the Lane #1 marketing department claimed it was 3.



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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2006, 11:03:36 AM »
sym·me·try     /ˈsɪmɪtri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sim-i-tree]

1. the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts.  

2. the proper or due proportion of the parts of a body or whole to one another with regard to size and form; excellence of proportion.  

3. beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion.  

4. Mathematics. a. a geometrical or other regularity that is possessed by a mathematical object and is characterized by the operations that leave the object invariant: A circle has rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry.  
b. a rotation or translation of a plane figure that leaves the figure unchanged although its position may be altered.  
5. Physics. a property of a physical system that is unaffected by certain mathematical transformations as, for example, the work done by gravity on an object, which is not affected by any change in the position from which the potential energy of the object is measured.  

Edited on 12/28/2006 12:03 PM


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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2006, 06:23:33 PM »
If you guys would READ the core description instead of being so quick to knock lane one you would see what it is really describing. In so many words they have made an assymetrical core out of a symetrical design by warping or twisting the shape giving it a more pronounced mass bias. GENIUS!!! Yes, very good idea & without straying from the GREAT diamond core power. Got a luv it!!!!
Think about it!

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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2006, 10:00:19 PM »
God, I swear somebody in the Lane #1 forum would argue against 1+1=2 if only the Lane #1 marketing department claimed it was 3.

2 Head that was the best, and most spot on post of the year bar none. Finally someone that gets it


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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2006, 11:47:07 PM »

    1 pound + 1 kilogram = 3 pounds  (okay... 3.2 pounds)

    1 hot dog + 1 beer = $5   (1+1=5)

And, this is exactly what I was referring too...

5. Physics. a property of a physical system that is unaffected by certain mathematical transformations as, for example, the work done by gravity on an object, which is not affected by any change in the position from which the potential energy of the object is measured.

An asymmetric solid can have a very symmetric gravitational potential.

And, I was not agreeing for/or against any Lane#1 propaganda, I was arguing
with your statement that something can both have asymmetric and symmetric
properties at the same time. A physical system (or object) can be viewed in
many ways that show its inherent symmetries and/or asymmetries. It just
depends on how you are exploring its properties.

I gave you a SHAPE symmetry example with an asymmetry in MASS distribution.

A mass distribution can be symmetric through three planes, but not a fourth
while the geometric object is asymmetric.

A flower can be symmetric through one mirror plane, but not another (asymmetric). (Lots of examples in Optics)

Some Fractal functions create very non-symmetric figures, but when you put
enough of them together you can create very symmetric systems.

Jeeze, some people in the Lane#1 forum will argue that every thing is all about
bashing/supporting Lane#1 products when they don't really know what point is
being debated.  (  - sorry, couldn't resist.)

Dr. Joe

Dr. Joseph Howard
Joe's Physics Page    

"Imagine what you could do,
if you could do what you imagine"

F.O.S. Member & Physics Researcher
Uranium Pearl - 16 lbs
Uranium Solid - 15 lbs
Cobalt Bomb - 15 lbs
Tsunami H^2O - 15 lbs
Bullet - 16lbs
XXXL - 16lbs
Lane 1: 4 Ball Roller

Edited on 12/29/2006 8:40 AM

leftehh- LG

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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2006, 12:17:09 AM »
read the topic and I was thinking graphic cards.. lol
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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2006, 07:33:07 AM »
Thought of a simpler example early this morning.

A geometric *only* example. A rack of pins (yup, bowling pins) is both
symmetric and asymmetric.

A full rack is symmetric along a mirror plane cutting through the head
pin and 5 pin. (The right side is symmetric with the left) But, is asymmetric
with a mirror plane cutting through the center of pins parallel with the
floor. (top is not symmetric with bottom of pins) Likewise a mirror plane
front to back will so an asymmetry.

So, the pins can have a symmetry AND an asymmetry.

You can do this with one pin. Two planes from top to bottom it is symmetric.
(along length of pin) Plane parallel to floor cutting through center of pin it is asymmetric
(top of pin is not symmetric with bottom).

'asymmetric' is not the logical negative of 'symmetric' or vise versa.
And, don't even get me started on 'antisymmetry' versus 'asymmetry' versus

And to the other extreme, some of the grand unified theories of physics are
combinations of mathematical treatments that frame where the "symmetries and
the asymmetries exist" for the universe which has both symmetric and asymmetric
properties at the same time!

Dr. Joe

Edited on 12/29/2006 12:29 PM


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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2006, 10:44:46 AM »
Doc, it's amazing to see the average person arguing physics with a physics professor..!! These are roughly the same people arguing that CG and statics don't matter. =:^D


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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2006, 11:39:28 AM »
Don't mind the debate at all, T-God, as I think everyone learns something.
I just spent 2 hours looking over my math/geometry/logic texts to make sure
I wasn't crazy. The rabbit hole goes pretty deep (asmmetry, translational
rotational inverted symmetry, anti-symmetri, irreflexivity, there are
relations which are both symmetric and antisymmetric,.... etc....).

Yeah, I find it fun.... call me a weirdo.

Dr. Joe

Edited on 12/29/2006 12:43 PM


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Re: NEW!!G-Force
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2006, 03:07:41 PM »
These are roughly the same people arguing that CG and statics don't matter.

Thats because in the large scheme of things, they dont.