Drilled it fairly strong: pin under ring finger, 4" pin to PAP, Cg 5" to PAP. Hit carrydown at end of 1st game and it would not finish: left washouts and weak 10 pins. Couldn't go outside carrydown as it was too strong off the real dry. Wonderful on house blended shot until carrydown.
Had to switch to milder non-Lane#1 ball to play outside & go around carrydown.
On what I view as true medium oil, the ball, as drilled, had an almost hook and set type of breakpoint. Carry was good and it was easy to hit the pocket. On slightly high hits, the ball seemed to break up splits quite nicely, for the most part.
First Lane#1 ball since the Golden Nugget. GN was first Lane#1 ball since the Pro Purple. Wide array of Lane#1 ball reactions.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."