I owned both CB's, and I had a Uranium as well. There were some very obvious differences in the reactions that I got from these two lines. The CB's tended to flip harder than the Uranium did. For me, the Uranium would start up earlier than the pearl CB and it would offer a bit more overall hook. Plus, the Uranium was more archish than the CB, which was snappier. I'm assuming that the solid Uranium is going to be a bit more aggressive than the solid CB as well, and meant for a slightly higher volume of oil. To me, you could very easily have all 4 in the bag and use them very well, if drilled and prepared properly. But it really depends upon how many balls you want to carry. If you're carrying a 4-ball arsenal in which you want one ball for oil, one for medium, one for light and one for spares, then you certainly wouldn't need to own Uraniums and CB's. However, if you carry a lot of gear and desire options that give you slightly different shot shapes and such, then picking up a few of these would be the way to go. It's all about perference. All of these balls are very good.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?