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Author Topic: Hook Rating of Polished SCB  (Read 738 times)


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Hook Rating of Polished SCB
« on: February 01, 2006, 11:50:09 PM »
Hey fellow Sawheads,

I have a question. Does anyone know what the original Hook Rating and % on Backend numbers for the Polished Super Carbide Bomb? I am considering either a PSCB or an EU for the lane conditions that I am seeing at or lanes.

My stats are in my profile. My speed used to be much higher but I am working on slowing my feet down so that my speed is around 16 mph but I can't throw that consistently except in practice. I have a Black Cherry Bomb drilled pin to the right of ring cg kicked right slightly, Tsunami drilled pin below and right of ring mb 2" right of thumb, Cherry Pearl pin above ring cg kicked right, and an H2O with pin above and left of ring with the mb 2" right of thumb.

They keep changing our oil pattern length because one of the other leagues complains that there is no backend so they shorten our pattern and then change it back the next week when we complain that they are to dry. When the pattern is shorter I can use everything but the BCB, but when they change to the longer pattern it becomes a little more difficult. Even the BCB won't move. The lanes are normally a 37' Christmas tree, but it has been as long as 41' and as short as around 35', medium to slightly heavier than medium oil in the middle tapering to medium around 5 board. It also plays like an out-of bounds outside 5 because no one plays out there. So I was looking for some more oil handling ability. I don't think there is enough oil for the SCB sanded so that is why I was considering it polished. The EU was another option but if the lanes are oily then we start getting really bad carry down from some of our straighter players with plastic house balls. Which of these would be better for my conditions.

My Tsunami isn't broken in yet with only about 5 full games on it so far. I keep reading it gets stranger after about 10 games or so. I will keep practicing with it to get it broken in and see what happens then with it.

Thank you for any and all information.

That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

Member of the F.O.S.
***Black Cherry Bomb***
***Cherry Pearl C2***
That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

Member of the F.O.S.
***Solid Cobalt Bomb***
***Cherry Pearl C/2***
***Crystal Diamond***



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Re: Hook Rating of Polished SCB
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 08:05:24 AM »
Call or email them and ask ... very helpful and friendly, from my personal experience; good luck !!! BTW, I have one and am curious too.

Lane #1
6739 Pickard Drive
Syracuse, NY 13211

1-800-Lane No.1 (526-3661)
Fax 315-474-7876
e-mail Lane1

Man, I LOVE this game !!!

Robb in O'Fallon, IL (near Scott AFB)
**** Official "L/LM" ball "junkie" ****
 "Master the Lanes with Legendary hitting power" !!!

Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
LAYBZZ74@AOL.COM (Email addy)


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Re: Hook Rating of Polished SCB
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 12:17:35 PM »
If your longest pattern is 41', I would think the SCB, polished or not, would be too much ball.

What is the surface on the BCB?  I would think dulled slightly, it should easily handle the conditions you described.

BCB: 600-800 grit, no polish for med/heavy
Tsunami: matte for the mediums
Cherry Pearl: polished for med/light

I've heard a lot of conflicting information about the EU, so I'd hold off on that for a while.  I'd sand the BCB down a bit and try it for a few weeks.  If that doesn't help, consider a stronger ball.
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