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Author Topic: Not seeing too much talk of the Carbide Plus  (Read 1878 times)


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Not seeing too much talk of the Carbide Plus
« on: May 22, 2006, 01:13:09 AM »
I threw the carbide Plus for the first time while pot bowling on Sunday and I was pleasantly surprised.  here is a fair amoun of oil on these lanes Sunday morning but I wouldn't call it heavy oil.  The carbide plus played down and in tremendously and really showed its potenial when I was able to swing the ball.

I got tired of the skid flip balls that Lane 1 wa releasing like the Cobalt and the EU.  The Carbide Plus reads the lane and break point very well for a particle ball and the carry was phemonemal (sp).  This ball would not work well on drier lane conditions but thats what I have the H20 for and the Tsunami for medium with clean back ends.

The ball was drilled 3 3/8 stacked.  I also threw the HDB alternating with the Carbide Plus after pot bowling.  The Carbide Plus allowed me to open the lane more, but in comparison, the HDB more controllable but could not recover as well compared to the Carbide Plus.

Just my opinion.  Wondering why I haven't seen more conversation about the Carbide Plus.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


Roy Munson

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Re: Not seeing too much talk of the Carbide Plus
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2006, 11:03:23 AM »

I agree 100%

I Saw You !

Saw Mill

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Re: Not seeing too much talk of the Carbide Plus
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2006, 09:07:36 AM »

You miss Nic's point, he supports his local pro shop.  He does not go on line, so that guys like his driller can stay in business.  I agree that there are things that can be purchased on line cheaper, and there are soime GREAT companies, like right here on the west coast, but we cannot forget that there are some great ball driller/shop owners, like in the northeast.  They are not too expensive, and as for that issue, there is not ANYTHING that is actually worth what they charge, it is all about what it is worth to the buyer.  Lane 1 is THE BEST product, therefore all its buyers will see them worth the price.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

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Roy Munson

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Re: Not seeing too much talk of the Carbide Plus
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2006, 09:42:40 AM »

You miss Nic's point, he supports his local pro shop.  He does not go on line, so that guys like his driller can stay in business.  I agree that there are things that can be purchased on line cheaper, and there are soime GREAT companies, like right here on the west coast, but we cannot forget that there are some great ball driller/shop owners, like in the northeast.  They are not too expensive, and as for that issue, there is not ANYTHING that is actually worth what they charge, it is all about what it is worth to the buyer.  Lane 1 is THE BEST product, therefore all its buyers will see them worth the price.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

Bomb Squad Certified and Licensed Diamond Cutter

Saw Mill,

I would like to support my local pro shop too, in fact, I bought my enrich and my tsunami from my local pro shop. He charged me $190 for each including the drilling, finger inserts, and thumb slugs. But if my local pro shop is going to charge me $265, I'm going to shop around and just use his drilling services. I actually made this point when he began to change his prices and asked $210 for the Cobalt including drilling, slug and inserts. I went to the Internet and bought 4 for $155 each and have him drill it for $35.00. The moral of the story is I'll keep supporting him up to a point.

Lane #1 balls expensive? Nah.

I Saw You !