I am sure you will understand this first hand; I am as much a Lane 1 family member as I have always been a Red Sox fan. I see you loyalty to this company compared to being a Cubs fan, and having waited 40 years as a Sox fan, I can appreciate your standing. Thanks for quoting me on what a fan is, and I think most here will understand when youguys make the list.
Personally, unless the company goes under (like that would ever happen), I will not own any other ball than I Buzzsaw, much less even use one. I would have to be in another city, with no equipment, and be challenged, and still I would have to think about it. It would feel like cheating on your wife or girlfriend, but I now Richie and Chuck would understand, if a challenge was issued or you were requested to fill a spot in a tourney that you were unprepared for, but was offered somthing that fit you to throw, if one did for that reason.
I consider it a privilege to be F.O.S, and to have met folks like Richie and his wife Sam, Chuck, and some of the staff, and last BUT certaintly not least, my favorite Saw driller, Doug Sterner. All the stuff I have ever thrown before LAne 1 (that is since my first original Columbia Yellow Dot in 1983) is but a blurr to me, and the only stuff to fill my memories now, till I leave this earth, will be Buzzsaw made.
I would gladly bowl with others who roll other products, but as for me and my bag, give me Buzzsaws or give me a Pchee2 142 average.
Now you really have had to be around awhile to relate to that last comment.
Regardless of what the pins are made of, you can still SAW 'Em Up! Mess with F.O.S. and get CUT like all the rest!!F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It, Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!