Thanks for all the info guys. I drilled my EU today as how i mentioned previously. Logo at 10 o'clock, Pin on right of RF and a balance hole.
Played 6 games with it and scored 206, 218, 198, 187, 182, 190. Its pretty good considering I've only been bowling for 6 months. I did find the ball quite speed sensitive at first but once i got a little used to the way the ball would swing it was great. Each game i played different lines. 10/10, 12/10, 10/5, 14/10, 12/8, and 15/10 which wasn't soo good cause i had to really work hard to rev the ball to make it come back. So far first 6 games with the ball and fairly happy with it.
Though I still think my hrg hits harder, maybe just need to run in the ball, its still in oob condition. The hrg has had about 4 months of play on it the surface is probably a little bit more dull than the new EU.
Thanks for all the info guys. Love the URANIUMS!
Uranium HRG 14lbs
Enriched Uranium 14lbs