And no I didn't do it with the clear diamond or xxxl. Actually pulled it off with the Enriched Uranium. My ebonite dragon spare ball is in two pieces and I figured, since I can flatten my hand and go straight at 'em why have a ball taking up space in my bag when I could use that for another new Saw. Well anyways the first game tonight was the mood setter. Came out blazing, went strike, 9 spare (fricken ringing 7), and then off the sheet for a 280. Then went strike, pocket 7-10, and from the title we all know what happened next. Then I struck up until the tenth for a 269. Last game I should have switched to the Cobalt but stuck with ole trusty for a 195. Overall a great night with 744, ohh and did I mention I converted the 7-10
Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.
10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily, Daddy's little girl!
R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!
Tommy the Fish
F.O.S Mafia Soldier You throw balls, we throw BOMBS. No wonder you hate us

Enriched x2
Solid Uranium
Solid Cobalt Bomb
Cobalt Bomb