We just finished the 3rd and final qualifying session for our county singles scratch tournament. We bowled in three different houses (4 games each house).
The first two houses were on synthetics, so the shot changed pretty consistently as we moved pairs each game. I threw the HRG in the first house (945), and the Carbide+ in the second house (898).
I began with the HRG in the 3rd house. Did ok the first two games, but the 3rd game got funky. The left lane was outhooking the right by a good 6 or 7 boards. On top of that, the wood lanes were really starting to fly. After 3 splits through the nose in the first 5 frames, I bagged the HRG and grabbed the Bullet. It took me 2 more frames to get lined up, then I started striking. That game ended up at 175 due to the terrible first 5 frames.
Last game, the lanes were opposite. Left was "normal" and the right lane was really humming. After a couple frames of searching for the line, I punched out for a 248 (for 862 set).
Only the top 12 advanced to today's finals. First qualifier ended up with 2935 for 12 games, second was 2771, I was eighth with 2705 and 12th was 2674.
Since having a similar experience last year in a tourney, I always throw the Bullet in the tourney bag. When the lanes break down, this ball is golden! If you are wondering, the ball is drilled Label 1:30, and I am a high tracking stroker (PAP is 5 over and 1/2 up).
Wish me luck in the finals!
Update for finals:
There were two rounds of match play (best of three), followed by 5 single elimination games in a stepladder.
I won the first set 2-1 (after a 257 tie in game 1).
Then I beat the next guy in two games.
We had a positioning match which put me 3rd.
The winner of the loser's bracket came up and beat everybody to win the tourney.
I finished 4th.
All in all, it was a good outing.
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.
Edited on 2/18/2007 5:30 PM