I recently changed mine up to 2000grit w/polish because the weather or maybe a change in the machine was showing less oil than normal. I actually prefered the polished cover over OOB, I was still getting alot of midlane roll and much increased backend, which it wasn't lacking in the first place. Better skid in the front, but is to be expected. I could also use it for the whole set.
I think it could be a good 1-2 combo, but if I were to do it I would have one at 500 for serious oil, and one at 2000 w/polish. That would be a better 1-2 in my opinion. You still have to have atleast med-heavy with it polished though, from what I have seen taking it to 2 different houses.
-Big Bang
-Spare Tire
Faball Black Hammer 16lb