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Author Topic: Possible to have newer covertstocks for Lane #1 ?  (Read 841 times)


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Possible to have newer covertstocks for Lane #1 ?
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:19:06 PM »
I must admit that although I have said
sayonara to Lane #1, I still like their
old Brunswick made equipment. A number of new Lane #1
releases uses the Bleeder coverstock,
which is the old Columbia 300 Superflex, I
assume (correct me if i am wrong).

After using the Evolution and the THS, I am not really a great
fan of this coverstock. This is just my opinion,
this coverstock is somewhat mild unless particles
are added to it. That's why I like the Super Nova
Solid and the Nebula. Other than this Bleeder,
is there any other chance a newer and stronger
coverstock be used for future Lane #1 releases?
From my observation with current and old Lane #1 equipment
that I have, Superflex is milder compared to Powerkoil 18.

Edited on 6/26/2008 4:19 AM



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Re: Possible to have newer covertstocks for Lane #1 ?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 12:04:25 AM »
When it comes to BASF Particle stocks. I love the TEC2 cover from the Rock On. Not sure the particle load but that cover was awesome. I know people complained about TEC death but come on.....How many covers from today and other companies have very quick ball death???

I would love to see this cover on a RETRO Super Carbide....

What do you guys think???

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Possible to have newer covertstocks for Lane #1 ?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2008, 12:17:05 AM »
Every ball I ever owned with TEC turned to turdsville after very few games -- like 40. I've got Ebonite stuff that dies, but it does so at the 100+ game mark, which is an entire season of league, so I'm not going to throw much of a fit about that. But 40 games is just ridiculous.

The problem you get into with "retro" releases when there's a different company making them now than there was when the original came out, is there is no way to approximate the original reaction. It's just too hard to do after a company switchover.

I have two Lane #1 balls right now that I place above the rest -- the Tsunami H20 (a Brunswick ball) and the G-Force Evolution (a Columbia ball, and I would assume it's pretty close to current 900G). Big difference in those two balls and I can easily tell that one was not made like the other.

My Evolution is much weaker than I expected. However, that turned out to be a good thing since it filled a hole in my arsenal. But that leaves me wondering if I now have to adjust my purchasing decisions in regards to Lane #1 (i.e., do I buy one step stronger than I would ordinarily in order to make up for the difference).

In regards to the Teal THS, I think Lane #1 should have just sold it as "Teal THS," no "retro" in there because I'm going to bet it doesn't react in the same way as the original coverstock made it react. There would have been nothing wrong with letting it just stand alone on its own.

I often wonder if this is why a lot of people report the Buzzbomb as being weaker than they'd hoped. There are some people that might just not match up to the 900G covers and it leaves them feeling shafted. I've got to admit, it's kept me from trying the Buzzbomb already. I probably will at some point down the road but it's got me wondering. Same for the Supernova XP.



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Re: Possible to have newer covertstocks for Lane #1 ?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2008, 12:31:03 AM »
I have bowled 100's of games with the Original Teal as recent as 2003 and I can honesty say the Retro TEAL is almost identical. The RETRO name pertains to the core/color combo. Not really a remake...


The reason TEC seemed to die at 40 games was because it hooked soooo much new and was very oil soaking in makeup. How many hot water baths and oil extractions were done back then. I still loved that coverstock...

I am sure there is plenty of new options for covers available for testing. Lane#1 does not necessarily have to use old BASF covers...There can be different formulations available.

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at:
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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