I'll put my two cents in, local tourney this weekend, two levRg's on pair with my buzzbomb, levrg #1 sanded, levrg #2 polished, buzzbomb polished, similar revs and speed from all three of us
levrg #1 sanded, burnt up, way too much surface
levrg #2 polished, good recovery and hit, but not as angular and as strong of continuation as my buzzbomb
I played 5th arrow out to aobut 5 board and made the hole easy, levrg #2 was over 4th out to 8 and stuggled a tad getting back. (read lots of light hits) Guy throwing levrg #2 was quite impressed with the recovery I had out of my more weakly drilled buzzbomb (buzzbomb pin 4.5 to pap, levrg pin at 3.375 to pap
but this is one of those things I think someone needs to prove to themselves. I saw the buzbomb recovery from spots one can only dream of. I could play 3rd, 4th 5th or 6th arrow with ease, the ball got better the deeper you went. It does need some head oil but takes quite well to hand positions. Best ball from lane #1 period, so much so I took my backend monster pink cherry c/2 out of the bag and replaced it with the buzzbomb
F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud
Lane #1 Baby