OK guys, here's the question. I already have a Super Carbide Bomb (which I really don't like at all) and a Carbide Bomb (which I love like I brought it into this Earth)! Now, I recently acquired a Uranium Pearl, and am receiving a Dirty Bomb from a FOS member. The problem I'm having is this: I currently have my Columbia300 Flipside Wired as my go-to ball. And right above that in reaction is my Morich Onslaught. I don't think that these two Lane#1 balls will be stronger than either of the two I just mentioned. Now, right below the Wired, I have my Ebonite OPTYX Illusion and my old Storm El Nino 2000 (dead cover with pin above bridge). What I was thinking, was since I'm gonna be bowling at two different houses, was I would leave a few bowling balls at one house.
Now, I need to know how the Uranium Pearl and the Dirty Bomb match up. I was thinking that I would take one of them (probably the less aggresive on the backend of the two) and put pin above bridge. Keep it mild and probably replace the El Nino 2000. But, I don't know what to do with the other...any help would be greatly appreciated. A little about myself (all just me guesstimating):
Style = somewhere between a stroker and tweener
Revs = medium
Ball Speed = medium
I don't really know what else to say. JPR was at the Winston-Salem gathering, so maybe he can add to my specs, but I do throw a back-up ball, so you're looking at lefty drillings for me. Thanks greatly in advance for the help...
Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at! 
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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